µTasker Forum

µTasker Forum => Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX => Topic started by: suhas on October 20, 2009, 07:18:06 AM

Title: dynamic variable generation in web pages
Post by: suhas on October 20, 2009, 07:18:06 AM
Hi All,
In below line what is meaning of £vIs,£dSD, £DM6 ,£vIm , £sM2 and why we used this ?

tr><td>Subnet mask<td colspan="4"><input maxLength=15 size=15 name=Is value="£vIs" £dSD £DM6>£vIm<th><input id=m3 type=checkbox name=r £sM2 disabled>
(This line belong to file  4lan.htm)

Title: Re: dynamic variable generation in web pages
Post by: mark on October 20, 2009, 10:17:08 AM
Hi Suhas

There is a general introduction to this here: http://www.utasker.com/forum/index.php?topic=82.0

In this specific case it works as follows:

<tr><td>Subnet mask<td colspan="4"><input maxLength=15 size=15 name=Is value="£vIs" £dSD £DM6>£vIm<th><input id=m3 type=checkbox name=r £sM2 disabled>
£vIs - £ = command v = insert string I = IP address s = sub-net mask - webInterface.c inserts the sub-net mask
£dSD - £ = command d = disable the field if the following is NOT true: S = server enabled? D = DHCP
£DM6 - £ = command D = disable the field if the following IS true: M = value modified? 6 = validated
£vIm - £ = command v = insert string I = IP address m = IP obtained by DHCP
£sM2 - £ = command v = insert string M = value modified 2 = sub-net mask

The codes used for parsing are defined in config.h so can be changed if desired (eg. often $ is used instead of £ since the £ is not available on US key boards). It is also possible to extend the command sequence to more characters (WEB_ESCAPE_LEN in config.h - default is 4).

It is the code in webInterface.c which controls exactly what the commands do. If you search for the individual command letters in fnIsSelected() and fnInsertString() it should become clear. Adding your own extensions is then also quite easy - best test in the simulator since it is much easier than doing such work on target HW.

