µTasker Forum > Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX



I want to ask if uTasker support with LM3S8971?


There are such a huge range of devices Stellaris devices that there is not a build for each one. However the LM3S8962 is configured and this is almost the same as the LM3S8971.

Generally one needs to add a define for any missing devices (like #define _LM3S8971) and extend the configuration for it as described in http://www.utasker.com/docs/LM3Sxxxx/uTaskerLM3SXXXX_Ports.PDF. This is simple to do since it uses the device IDs to enable and disable the corresponding peripherals.

If the pins are to be correctly displayed in the simulator it may be necessary to add a new set of pin/function defines to the port simulator header as also described in the document. After that it should be fully supported.




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