µTasker Forum

µTasker Forum => µTasker general => Topic started by: mark on June 04, 2011, 02:18:33 PM

Title: Follow uTasker at Twitter
Post by: mark on June 04, 2011, 02:18:33 PM
Hi All

Several updates to the uTasker project have been released recently and made available via the processors' software threads. This trend will continue at an increased rate not just for new projects (like the Kinetis) but also for established projects. The goal is to enable the use of new features as quickly as possible without complications and delays of new official release versions. The threads are a good tool since they allow keeping the software lists up to date (including fall-back versions in case something gets broken as new features are added) in a fairly informal (and thus lower overhead) manner but this does mean that they also need to be monitored to see what has recently changed.

It is possible to enable notification on new replies (not sure whether edits are included though...) which aids in monitoring particular software threads.

However, in oder to monitor notifications of a general nature, a uTasker Twitter account has been activated and first tweets made.
To follow uTasker and get notifications concerning new versions, demos, features, docs etc. simply follow http://www.twitter.com/uTasker or use the link on the start page http://www.uTasker.com

