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Topics - mvaurelien

Pages: [1]
µTasker general / handle tcp data until a task is ready
« on: August 27, 2010, 03:51:10 PM »
Hi Mark,

Here is my case :
 I handle ethernet data from my TCP listener, then I start to analyze data to know which other task need to receive this data. I had big queues in the tasks and I limited TCP_DEF_MTU in order to make it smaller than the task buffer. So if my handler is called once, the destination task receive all data. If the ethernet data comes slowly, the destination task is still launched between every handler so everything is still good. The problem appears when data comes very quickly, the handler is launched more than once and when it try to send data to the task, the queue is full.

I need to call the handler again, with the same data, when destination task has freed it queue. I'm sure other people may have the same issue but I can't find in the docs or in the forum how easily make it wait to try again, and never lost data.

Thanks if you could give me some advice.

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / bigger files with uFileSystem
« on: May 12, 2009, 04:28:26 PM »
First of all, I've read "uTaskerFileSystemSPI_FLASH_003.pdf", "uTaskerFileSystem_3.pdf", "FileSystemLPC23xx_336k.doc", and "FileSystemLPC23xx.doc". But there is something I'm still not understanding.
According to "uTaskerFileSystem_3.pdf", by specifying MAX_FILE_LENGTH as an unsigned long, we allow individual files larger than 64k. Then in "FileSystemLPC23xx_336k.doc", you say that "Files of multiple 4k lengths can also be saved. The final file ‘z’ can have a length of up to 136k".

But when I launch simulation, if I try to send by FTP a 128kB file "z.HTM", it failed (simulator is crashing). On my target (MCB2300 KEIL), it looks better. 137kB HTML file is quickly sent and reachable by HTTP. So it was just a bug on the simulator.

Now, I want to use my 4MB SPI flash to store and set 2 files of 1 MB. At the moment, I can't use the simulator anymore and I'm going to try with my MCB2300 and a 1MB SPI flash (AT26DF081).

So, concerning external SPI flash and according to "uTaskerFileSystemSPI_FLASH_003.pdf" :
- uFileSystem allow up to 64 files
- SINGLE_FILE_SIZE is a multiple of FILE_GRANULARITY (4096 bytes granularity in my case) and could be set to 64*FILE_GRANULARITY to allow 256kB file.
- FILE_SYSTEM_SIZE could be set to (2*SINGLE_FILE_SIZE + PAR_BLOCK_SIZE) to reserve 512MB for file system (plus parameter blocks).
In your opinion, could it work ?

Thanks, I'll give you results after performing some tests.

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