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Messages - Thomas

Pages: [1] 2
µTasker general / Re: Simulating custom peripherals?
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:17:28 PM »
Microsoft (ex NTinternals/Sysinternals) also have a free serial port monitor by the way, Portmon. You can find it here:

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Re: IAR and Olimex 2378STK problem
« on: April 14, 2008, 09:42:05 AM »
I took a brief look at the IAR EWARM version 5 a long time ago but went back to using version 4. It seems it is a completely different set of compiler, assembler and linker (and different linker file format) than previous versions. Seemed to be GNU based or compatible..? There is a migration guide on the 5.x CD.

Just want to say that I also use the DS1338, though on a SAM7X board, and it works fine with Mark's code without modifications.

µTasker general / Feature suggestion: HTTP Response Header
« on: January 29, 2008, 12:20:13 PM »
Hi Mark,

Just want to suggest a future feature, HTTP Response Headers.

I think it could be nice in many situations to easily add HTTP Response Headers to files being transmitted from the web-server. For instance to instruct the client about cache control as some clients will cache pages depdending on settings and display outdated files. Or for instance to raise the "save file as" dialog for given files instead of displaying the file inside the browser or depend on the browser to interpret files correctly. Maybe implemented as a global default header with possibility for overriding for given files or criterias.

I've implemented what I need for my project in this regard though, but might be useful I think for more people in a general way.(?)

Read up on AJAX, start with Wikipedia for instance:

Or, the best place to start might be (covers everything web-related, html, javascript, ajax and more. very nice page):

With AJAX you can basically request files to be loaded and handled by javascript running on your page. On the web-server it should be no different than requesting files the normal way. You can then for instance extract values and display them as you want. But if the page you want to refresh is very small and doesn't load lots of secondary files a simple page refresh might work for you.

If you want to reload a page it might be better to use a periodic timer using javascript, something like this to reload page every 2 seconds (2000ms)

Code: [Select]
<body onload="setInterval('document.location.reload()', 2000 )">

Meta refresh can cause problems

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Web binary file download
« on: January 08, 2008, 10:52:56 AM »
I had to get this working myself so I digged around a little and found that you need to append a header to the file you want to transmit to tell the browser to raise the "save as" dialog. Try adding the following header before the filecontent:

Code: [Select]
HTTP/1.0 200\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\nContent-disposition: attachment; filename=filname.ext\r\n\r\n

The "attachment" keyword is what tells the browser to raise the dialog. "filename.ext" can be any filename that you want to appear as default for the file in the save-as dialog.

To test this just add the header to a file before you upload it to uTasker.

This makes it work in all browsers. Seems that IE and opera still try to determine the fileformat and extension even if you specify the content type though.

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Web binary file download
« on: October 25, 2007, 03:15:04 PM »
You have a link to the parameter file, right? You should probably add "type= application/octet-stream" in the link. <a href="parameters.bin" type= application/octet-stream" ... so the browswer knows what to expect.

µTasker general / Re: http.c. Not parsing form posts correctly
« on: October 20, 2007, 02:20:22 PM »
Thanks for looking into this and to clarify that we see the same. I will need to send many kinds of smaller and larger configuration data and I don't whan to use the GET method since you send the parameters in the URL which then gets stored in the browser history. I'll probably make some corrections to the parsing in a week or so but I guess this is probably of general interest also, to support post methods more extensively.

So, let me know if you decide to implement something soon  ;)

µTasker general / Re: http.c. Not parsing form posts correctly
« on: October 20, 2007, 10:49:05 AM »
Hi Mark,

I had already #defined SUPPORT_POST_TEXT and SUPPORT_HTTP_POST_TO_APPLICATION (not related really). The parser doesn't make it enough far anyway (to the HTTP_STATE_READY_POSTING state) because the parser stops prematurely because it doesn't find what it needs. I think my example form is a typical one and looking at the packets I capture with Wireshark it seems the parser will not work with forms and packets like this. I tried both IE7 and Firefox2 just to be sure and they both send packets built the same way.

µTasker general / http.c. Not parsing form posts correctly
« on: October 19, 2007, 07:56:50 PM »

It seems the parsing in http.c (SAM7X) of post packets is missing a few things. I have the form below. You start parsing by looking for "boundary=" but this string is not existing with text/plain encoding. If I try to use multipart/form-data the parsing exits prematurely later looking for "Content-Type:" which also don't exist.

It's no problem for me to implement what I need, but just wondering if an updated http.c file exists..? Always looking to save time..! ;D

Code: [Select]
<form action="*0Menu.htm" method="post" enctype="text/plain" >
<input type="text" name="user" size="8" maxlength="8">
<input type="password" name="password" size="8" maxlength="8">
<input type="submit" value="Log in">

µTasker general / Generating HTML (fnInsertString() in webInterface.c)
« on: October 15, 2007, 03:17:43 PM »

I need to create a table consisting of about 5 columns and a maximum of 255 rows. Each row will be built from a total of about 64 bytes consisting of different parameters.

I've been looking into the webInterface a little bit now and wonder how this would be best to solve. I was thinking to just keep a template of one row containing all the html formatting and data place holders, and just fill out the neccessary data when called through fnInsertString(). Having a HTML file with 255 $vnn references..

But I wonder about size limitations. One complete row including all HTML formatting and data might be around 400bytes or so. How are the packets sent and split? Thinking about how to make a reasonably efficent transer. I see a reference to "dynamic HTML" but no implementation. What was the intention for that?

ATMELTM AT91SAM7X and AVR32 / Re: How to debug uTasker from flash with IAR?
« on: September 26, 2007, 10:36:20 AM »
Ok, I found that switching the target from Core - ARM7TDMI to Device - Atmel AT91SAM7XC256 makes a difference about flash programming. Guess the IDE has to be aware of the specific device to program it. IAR at least now displays the "Programming flash" dialog but now it just hangs completely when this dialog opens. Ideas..?

ATMELTM AT91SAM7X and AVR32 / How to debug uTasker from flash with IAR?
« on: September 26, 2007, 10:07:38 AM »
What are the necessary steps involved for downloading code to flash and debug from within IAR?

I downloaded an example from the Atmel site (BasicIAR-SAM7X256-IAR430A) that works fine, loads to flash and debugs fine.

However I'm not sure why I cannot get IAR to download the uTasker project to flash. I started with the Release configuration and changed the linker to generate the debug file, under Debugger changed to use SAM7_FLASH.mac (from basic iar project), removed "suppress download" and checked "use flash loader(s)"

It displays the "downloading application" window but don't display the  "programming flash" window like the BasicIAR project.

Using IAR 4.42 and IAR(Segger) J-Link and uTasker 1.3SP1.

µTasker general / License conditions
« on: September 20, 2007, 07:57:44 AM »
If we purchase a project or full license what are the terms for upgrades? During the email support period? service packs? lifetime..?

µTasker general / Re: about the AT45DB161D SPI_EEPROM use!
« on: September 20, 2007, 07:52:54 AM »
Are there any plans to support the Atmel dataflashes in the near future on the AT91SAM7X platform too? Will be using an AT45DB161D or 081D on our board, with filesystem and parameters on external flash.

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