NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Teensy 4.1 with Ethernet Kit
« on: December 30, 2020, 07:13:20 AM »
Hey Mark,
Yes, when unpowered, I measure that resistance of 6.49k ohms.
However, when operating, there is 0V on this pin. Although I see 50MHz coming to the chip, I don't see anything on Pin 12, but that could be normal as it is operating in RMII Slave Mode..
I guess I have screwed it by incorrectly connecting the magjack, maybe by floating the center taps by not connecting to GND via a 100nF cap, or maybe connecting them in reverse, or maybe shorting some pins of the PHY when trying to measure them by the scope probe..
I have ordered a new chip and will try and notify of the results. But I think it will not be early due to new year..
Thank you for your help
Yes, when unpowered, I measure that resistance of 6.49k ohms.
However, when operating, there is 0V on this pin. Although I see 50MHz coming to the chip, I don't see anything on Pin 12, but that could be normal as it is operating in RMII Slave Mode..
I guess I have screwed it by incorrectly connecting the magjack, maybe by floating the center taps by not connecting to GND via a 100nF cap, or maybe connecting them in reverse, or maybe shorting some pins of the PHY when trying to measure them by the scope probe..
I have ordered a new chip and will try and notify of the results. But I think it will not be early due to new year..
Thank you for your help