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Topics - seulater

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Just looking for a list of all SPI devices supported.

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / FTP & bootloader question
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:09:05 AM »
One of the main things i need to do is to have the ability for a boot loader to upgrade my products firmware via the network. Glad to see uTasker supports this!

what i would like to do for eval is to upload my firmware via FTP to my SD card on my Olimex LPC1766-STK. When i tried my FTP program,  FileZIlla it did show my all the files on my SD card but when i tried to add a file i kept getting erros on FileZilla saying:
Status:   Connecting to
Status:   Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error:   Could not connect to server
Status:   Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt...
Status:   Connecting to
Status:   Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error:   Could not connect to server
Status:   Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt...
Status:   Disconnected from server
Status:   Connecting to
Status:   Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error:   Could not connect to server

i even tried to copy one of the files to my computer and got the same errors.
do i need to use MS FTP ?

NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Where is the SPI clock speed defined at ?
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:49:54 PM »
I just wire wrapped the SST part onto my olimex board. Before doing this i got the message that it was not found, which is good. Now i dont get that and i can see on the oscilloscope that indeed the CS, MOSI, MISO and clk signals are there. But it not continuing to boot.
it seems to keep trying the CS line every 6 seconds.

I would like to kick the clk speed down to see if that helps.

I was playing with the new PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit. They have a free utility which you can point to your web sire file folder and it will take all of them and produce a .bin file.
You can then take this .bin file and upload it to the board.
Since this is such an elegant method, as opposed to re-naming each of my web site files.
 i was wondering if it would be troublesome to do the same for uTasker ?

µTasker general / Creating a new Task
« on: March 30, 2008, 12:54:03 AM »
in TaskConfig.h i added...

extern void fnMINE(TTASKTABLE *);

Then under const UTASK_TASK ctNodes[] i added mine here,

TASK_APPLICATION,                                                      // application task
TASK_DEBUG,                                                            // maintenance task


{ "Mine",       fnMINE,        MEDIUM_QUE,  (DELAY_LIMIT)(0.10 * SEC), 0, UTASKER_STOP},

and lastly....

void fnMINE(TTASKTABLE *ptrTaskTable)

   printf("System is Up\r\n");


yet, it never fires, what else do i need to do to kick start it ?
and, do tasks need to be in a while(1) statemnt like below ?

void fnMINE(TTASKTABLE *ptrTaskTable)
   printf("System is Up\r\n");

µTasker general / The forums is not well suited for IE
« on: March 29, 2008, 03:20:37 PM »
you probably know this, but the forums and the main web site are not well suited for IE 7

on page 4 of this pdf, it shows:

Code: [Select]
const UTASKTABLEINIT ctTaskTable[] = {
{ "Wdog", fnTaskWatchdog, NO_QUE, (DELAY_LIMIT)0,(DELAY_LIMIT)( 0.2 * SEC ), RTMK_GO},
{ "Blink", fnTaskWatchdog, SMALL_QUE, (DELAY_LIMIT)( 0.5 * SEC ),(DELAY_LIMIT)(0.5 * SEC ), RTMK_GO},
{ 0 } // end of task list

shouldnet "{ "Blink", fnTaskWatchdog,...." be somthing like "{ "Blink", fnTaskBlink,..."

Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Creating a TCP socket
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:13:06 AM »
unless i have totaly missed it, i cannot find the documentation on how to create a TCP listenting socket.

All i want to do to evaluate the performance is to create a TCP server say on port 10000, and to echo back what ever it gets. i would like to make this its own thread. can you give an example of how to do this or point me to the docs that say how to.

Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / LM3S8962
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:13:38 PM »
Well i just received my first Luminary Kit in today, and flash the Rowley uTasker example, worked just great.

µTasker general / Problems with FTP using Filezilla
« on: March 23, 2008, 03:15:13 AM »
I am using filezilla FTP program. it is having trouble sending files to my board.
hoever when i use a dos window and FTP that way i can send them just fine.
i have used filezilla for years with no problems, got any ideas why ?
the message i get in filezilla is:

Status:   Connecting to
Error:   Could not connect to server
Status:   Delaying connection due to previously failed connection attempt...

This just keep repeating about 10-13 times then it will start sending some of the files.

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