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Topics - mark

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Hi All

As you are probably aware, the uTasker project typically uses FlexRAM for optimal speed efficiency and divides the FlexRAM into ITC (Instruction Tightly Coupled) for code location and DTC (Data Tightly Coupled) for variables. The FlexRAM partitioning is performed automatically in this mode when the boot loader starts the serial loader or application (when running in RAM).

During intensive testing of SW and watchdog resets it was identified that returning the FlexRAM back to its default configuration was not always guaranteed since this has to be done during the reset command and is not performed automatically in HW during reset. This happened maybe once every 1000 resets or so and is almost certainly due to the fact that the chip's ROM loader - which starts the boot up sequence - fails when OCRAM (general purpose configuration) is disabled during the partitioning (tests where an OCRAM bank was left as it was by default didn't suffer from the issue) and couldn't be returned reliably during the reset operation.

A solution to this, which was tested positively in a long term test of continuous SW and/or watchdog resets, has been added that is recommended to ensure that a board can't remain in an undefined state after a commanded or watchdog reset, noting that it is generally recommended to use an external power-cycling circuit to also capture any potential hanging situation - see

1. In the bare-minimum (primary) boot loader a routine has been added that can reliably return the FlexRAM settings to their defaults and command reset (the bare-minimum loader operates directly from QSPI flash and can, thus, do this easily.

Code: [Select]
static void fnRestoreFlexRAM(int iReset)
    IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16 = IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16_DEFAULT;                         // set the FlexRAM layout back to that taken from the eFuse setting (default configuration)
    if (iReset != 0) {
        APPLICATION_INT_RESET_CTR_REG = (VECTKEY | SYSRESETREQ);         // request cortex core reset, which will cause the software reset bit to be set in the mode controller for recognition after restart

2. The location of this routine is added to its Flash configuration, which means that it is - for i.MX RT 10xx parts - at a fixed address of 0x200 offset from the start of QSPI flash:
Code: [Select]
const FLEXSPI_NOR_BOOT_CONFIGURATION __attribute__((section(".boot_hdr.conf"))) __boot_config
= {
    (unsigned long)fnRestoreFlexRAM                                      // insert the address of a routine that can be called to return the FlexRAM back to default settings and reliably reset the device

3. The general SW reset function now uses this call (when it exists) to ensure reliable resets:

Code: [Select]
// This routine is called to reset the processor
extern void fnResetBoard(void)
#if !defined iMX_BOOTLOADER
#if (!defined iMX_BOOTLOADER && !defined NO_STACK_RESET)
    fnStackReset(1);                                                     // {7} if the boot loader supports this method the code will not return
    APPLICATION_INT_RESET_CTR_REG = (VECTKEY | SYSRESETREQ);             // request cortex core reset, which will cause the software reset bit to be set in the mode controller for recognition after restart
    IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16 = IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16_DEFAULT;                         // set the FlexRAM layout back to that taken from the eFuse setting (default configuration) - although the reset is commanded before executing this line it still operates and avoids the RAM layout being changed when the code is still running

and the watchdog interrupt also uses it:

Code: [Select]
// If the watchdog fires this interrupt is called 255 clock cycles before the watchdog reset actually takes place
static __interrupt void wdog3_irq(void)
    #if !defined NO_STACK_RESET
    fnStackReset(0);                                                     // {7} if the boot loader supports this method the code will not return
    IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16 = IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16_DEFAULT;                         // set the FlexRAM layout back to that taken from the eFuse setting (default configuration)

in both cases as long as the user expressly disables it with

4. As can be seen from the fnStackReset() code it first checks that the bare-minimum loader does have valid code and so it will use the original technique in case it doesn't.

Code: [Select]
// This routine calls a routine in QSPI flash that reconfigures the FlexRAM back to its default and then conditionally commands a core reset
extern void fnStackReset(int iReset)
        #if defined SECURITY_OTFAD
    void (*_fnCode)(int) = (void (*)(int))(*(unsigned long *)(FLEXSPI_FLASH_BASE + 0x600)); // fixed location in QSPI flash of code to be executed
    void (*_fnCode)(int) = (void (*)(int))(*(unsigned long *)(FLEXSPI_FLASH_BASE + 0x200)); // fixed location in QSPI flash of code to be executed
    if (((unsigned long)_fnCode < FLEXSPI_FLASH_BASE) || ((unsigned long)_fnCode > (FLEXSPI_FLASH_BASE + 0x8000))) {
        return;                                                          // no valid code exists
    _fnCode(iReset);                                                     // execute (doesn't return but either reset or wdog reset will restart the processor after the flexRAM has been set to default)

It is recommended that the bare-minimum loader uses this code (included in recent check-ins) and serial loader and applications the new SW reset and watchdog interrupt code to ensure reset reliability when using code from RAM operation.



Hi All

Here are a few Q.A.s relevant to building the loader using MCUXpresso, especially when building for the i.MX RT 1064 (which has internal QSPI flash at the address 0x7000 0000 instead of the typical 0x6000 0000, used by external QSPI flash (and also the internal QSPI in the i.MX RT 1024).
Note that the full instructions can be found in the document:
The details in the document are believed to be complete and accurate and if followed to the letter there should be no issues but deviating based on assumptions that things should be a little different may lead to failure to obtain a bootable image and so modifying details should be avoided to be sure of quick success.

>>The config.h files have the wrong target set - how does it still work for my target, the i.MX RT 1064?
This pre-processor define for the target board is delivered as an environment variable when building with MCUXpresso and the value in the config.h files is not used (it is greyed out by MCUXpresso when viewed in its editor) and is only used when building with methods that cannot be better automated (such as the VS bat file method which uses the values in the headers and so needs them all set to match).
IMPORTANT: when setting the environment variables they must be set for "All configuration" so that the single setting is valid for all. Never change for just one single target configuration!!

>> The properties in the MCUXpresso properties are for the the wrong processor - why does it still work?
The target is not important for building since the compiler is the same for all ARM7s. It is only relevant when debugging so that the debugger presents the correct peripheral registers view (if ever used). It won't harm setting to match the exact chip but is usually not needed.

>>I use a processor with double-precision processor but the project is set for single-precision - why does it still work?

The FPU is probably not used by the loaders (as there is no calculations in the code that need it) and it could be set to single, double or SW to result in the same outcome on most parts (if optimised for the processor's capabilities calculations using FPU may be slightly faster but wouldn't be noticeable).
This is left by default at "single" so that it run on the i.MX RT 1011 as well (which has single precision HW). If it were set to double as default there could be an issue for i.MX RT 1011 users in case the compiler did make use of the FPU and it could result in such users experiencing hard-faults when the code tried to execute if this setting were not explicitly set to single or SW methods.
Since the FPU setting and use is not really relevant it is simpler to just default to single so it can always be used successfully and not cause potential loss of time if were an exception needed by just some.
If the target processor has double precision FPU it can of course be set to that.

>> The uTaskerBoot linker is set to to iMX_RT_1064_FlexSPI_NOR.ld as per the instructions but the loader fails.
The 1064 has one single exception due to its internal memory layout and that is to set this file ONLY to the BM-loader. The serial loaders are linked to run in RAM (so that they can program the Flash) and so ALWAYS (irrespective of the processor) MUST be left as iMX_RT_10XX_FlexSPI_NOR_BOOT.ld. This locates to RAM and doesn't use Flash - therefore its flash setting (0x6000 0000) is not relevant and is left as the one that matches the majority of processors.

The names of the linker scripts reflect their intention
iMX_RT_1064_FlexSPI_NOR.ld <- 1064 means specifically for this part
iMX_RT_1064_FlexSPI_NOR.ld <- NOR means booting/running from NOR flash

iMX_RT_10XX_FlexSPI_NOR_BOOT.ld <- 10xx means suitable for any 10xx part (including 1064)
iMX_RT_10XX_FlexSPI_NOR_BOOT.ld <- BOOT means suitable for operation with the BM-boot loader (i.e. located in RAM)

The BM-loader (primary loader) is configured to use
by default, which is already suitable for any other i.MX RT 10xx parts and this change is ONLY needed by the i.MX RT 1064.



Hi All

This example shows how to configure a peripheral pin with help if the _CONFIG_PERIPHERAL() or _CONFIG_PERIPHERAL_LOOPBACK() macros.

As an example I will configure LPSPI3_SCK function on the pin referenced as GPIO_AD_B1_15 (assuming an i.MX RT 106x)

This is the code:


and this is how one arrives at it:

1. One needs to know which GPIO reference (PAD) it is on -> GPIO_AD_B1_15 in this case

2. One searches for this in iMX.h until one finds the list of mux options belonging to it

    #define GPIO_AD_B1_15_ACMP_OUT03               (IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_MUX_MODE_ALT1)
    #define GPIO_AD_B1_15_LPSPI3_SCK               (IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_MUX_MODE_ALT2)
    #define GPIO_AD_B1_15_SAI1_TX_SYNC             (IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_MUX_MODE_ALT3)
    #define GPIO_AD_B1_15_CSI_DATA02               (IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_MUX_MODE_ALT4)
    #define GPIO_AD_B1_15_GPIO1_IO31               (IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_MUX_MODE_ALT5)
    #define GPIO_AD_B1_15_USDHC2_DATA7             (IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_MUX_MODE_ALT6)
    #define GPIO_AD_B1_15_KPP_COL00                (IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_MUX_MODE_ALT7)
    #if defined iMX_RT106X

3. One take the full mux name (GPIO_AD_B1_15_LPSPI3_SCK) and insert it into the macro, with a comma separating the GPIO reference and the peripheral mux reference belonging to that GPIO:


This can't be done wrong since it will not compile if incorrect GPIOs aad peripherals are attempted.
The characteristics (last parameter) can be modified to control drive strength and slew rate, etc.

4. Note that either _CONFIG_PERIPHERAL() or _CONFIG_PERIPHERAL_LOOPBACK() is used.
The first is used in most cases but the _CONFIG_PERIPHERAL_LOOPBACK() one is needed for some signals that are generated to be driven onto the pin and also need to be looped back internally to be driven to the peripheral itself. In the case of the LPSPI master operation this MUST be used for the CLK otherwise the clock will be generated but not be connected internally, meaning it won't work completely.

5. Some peripheral pins need an additional sub-muxing setting since they can be located on multiple pins.


To see whether it is necessary it is easiest to search iMX.h for IOMUXC_x (where x is the name of the peripheral signal) -> IOMUXC_LPSPI3_SCK
If it shows up as a IOMUX_xxxx_SELECT_INPUT register, like:

    #define IOMUXC_LPSPI3_SCK_SELECT_INPUT             *(unsigned long *)(IOMUXC_SW_BLOCK + 0x0510) // LPSPI3_SCK_SELECT_INPUT DAISY register
        #define IOMUXC_LPSPI3_SCK_SELECT_INPUT_GPIO_AD_B0_00_ALT7 0x00000000 // select GPIO_AD_B0_00 for mode: ALT7
        #define IOMUXC_LPSPI3_SCK_SELECT_INPUT_GPIO_AD_B1_15_ALT2 0x00000001 // select GPIO_AD_B1_15 for mode: ALT2

it should be set.


One can get away without setting it in case the 0x00000000 is true since it defaults to that, but as good practice it is best to always set the value. It also means that when modifying such configurations one doesn't forget to check and set the value accordingly.

If there is no corresponding IOMUXC_xxxxx_SELECT_INPUT register there is no sub-mux setting to be made.

6. After making such changes one can run the simulator and hover the mouse over the pins one wants to check and it will show the present GPIO/peripheral function so one can easily verify that it is correct before testing on HW.



« on: July 11, 2023, 09:30:29 PM »
The i.MX RT 10xx includes a temperature monitor module (TEMPMON) that allows interrupts to be generated if the core temperature exceeds two programmable high temperature levels or falls below a low programmable lower limit level.

Software can also read the present die temperature at any time.

In order for it to work correctly it needs the bandgap reference to be enabled, plus the 480MHz PLL and the 32kHz RTC modules to be operating.

The temperature monitor is factory calibrated and the calibration values can be read from the HW_OCOTP_ANA1 registers. These are used by software to extrapolate the temperature and also to correctly set temperature limits.

The support in the µTasker project is enabled with the define SUPPORT_TEMPMON which adds an interface to read the core temperature via the ADC API in a compatible manner for projects that also run on processors that use ADC based temperature reading.

An example of reading the temperature periodically can be activated in ADC_Timers.h by activating the define ADC_INTERNAL_TEMPERATURE when using the ADC reference. For compatibility the ADC API is used with the input set to

adc_setup.int_adc_bit = ADC_TEMP_SENSOR; // ADC internal temperature

which is how ADC based temperature reading is performed.

Although there is no interrupt generated when the measurement has completed such an interrupt is emulated so that applications remain compatible. The only difference is that the result returned when collecting the value is in °C x 100 (allowing hundredth of degree resolution) and not the raw ADC value itself. Therefore the only modification at the application level is to remove any HW specific conversion that may originally have been performed and use the result directly (or after modification to the desired form). The following shows retrieving and rounding to 1°C resolution:

Code: [Select]
ADC_SETUP adc_setup; // interrupt configuration parameters
ADC_RESULTS results;
adc_setup.int_type = ADC_INTERRUPT; // identifier
adc_setup.int_adc_mode = (ADC_READ_ONLY | ADC_GET_RESULT);
adc_setup.int_adc_controller = 0;
adc_setup.int_adc_result = &results;
fnConfigureInterrupt((void *)&adc_setup);
results.sADC_value[0] += 50;
results.sADC_value[0] /= 100; // the approximate temperature
rounded up/down to 1°C
fnDebugDec(results.sADC_value[0], DISPLAY_NEGATIVE);
fnDebugMsg(" degC\r\n");

In this particular case the conversion was started previously and it shows just the subsequent retrieval. The conversion was started using the standard API for the ADC with the ADC_TEMP_SENSOR defined as input. When multiple ADC controllers are implemented in the i.MX RT the same one should be referenced for the conversion and retrieval, although there is only one TEMPMON module shared by both and the ADC controller is not actually used.

Hi All

With the release of NXP's MCUXpresso V11.5, which is supplied with a newer version of the GCC tool chain, i.MX RT projects could no longer be build due to an incompatibility in the linker scripts.
Interestingly this however didn't affect Kinetis projects, where the same incompatibility was not experienced.

Originally attempts were made to identify what had changed and work around it but this proved to be a dead-end and so finally a new linker script was generated using the NXP SDK and then adapted to suit the uTasker code (such as inserting the same variable section references so that the initialisation code didn't need to be modified).

The result is that by swapping out original linker scripts against newer ones projects can be built with MCUXpresso versions pre-V11.5 and post.

At this time there are still some linker scripts to be adapted and tested but for the main usage I have attached the ones that can already be used (later they will be checked into the repository for general use)

- iMX_RT_10XX_FlexSPI_NOR.ld   This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and allows the primary loader to be built for i.MX RT 10xx parts (excluding the i.MX RT 1064)

- iMX_RT_1064_FlexSPI_NOR.ld. This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and allows the primary loader to be built for  the i.MX RT 1064

- iMX_RT_10XX_FlexSPI_NOR_BOOT.ld. This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerSerialBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and also to \Applications\uTaskerV1.4\GNU_iMX and allows the secondary loaders and application to be built for i.MX RT 10xx parts operating in RAM (the main operation configuration and always used by the serial loaders).

- iMX_RT_10XX_SDP_Boot.ld. This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerSerialBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and allows serial download protocol images for i.MX RT 10xx parts. This tends to be built in parallel with the serial loader and so, even if the SDP outputs are never used, it will stop the build failing.



Hi All

Note that the chip shortage has resulted in the uTasker project investing in the following chips, which are reserved for uTasker users and available at reduced prices (in comparison to distributors):

IMXRT1062DVL6B - commercial
IMXRT1062CVL5B  - industrial

These are 10mmx10mm 196 pin BGA with full features (2 x Ethernet, 2 x USB ,1Meg RAM, TFT display interface) and footprint compatible (and code 99% compatible) with i.MX RT 1051/52/61/62 and are useful for porting Kinetis projects to (they can also be used in place of i.MX RT 1064 as long as there is a QSPI flash connected)). With 600MHz zero wait state operation (up to 1.2G instructions per second) they are FAST as well. As well as having very high compatibility with Kinetis the uTasker project makes it simple to port from Kinetis projects and, with the chip stock, can ensure that supplies are immediately available when needed (some parts still have over a year delivery time otherwise).

The small BGA was chosen after experimentation with soldering (also hand soldering) and layout with 4-layer boards. Reference designs and guidance is thus available for those unsure about using BGAs, whereby it can be stated that they are not as difficult to work with as initially feared and result in small, reliable circuity.

There are good stocks available for immediate delivery or reservation, whereby each new project can order/reserve up to 1'200 pieces at the moment. (Quantities of up to 10'000 are possible for immediate delivery but only under exceptional circumstances since it is preferred to supply as many new projects as possible).



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Porting projects to the i.MX RT
« on: May 20, 2022, 08:07:16 PM »
Hi All

Due to the present processor shortage - especially Kinetis family parts - there is a lot of activity porting existing products to be able to run in i.MX RT parts, which tend to be more readily available.

During the transfer of code that has run correctly for years on the Kinetis (Cortex M0+, Cortex M4) there are some initial surprises when it hard faults on the Cortex M7 of the i.MX RT. The Cortex-M7 is very sensitive to alignment and I have found that the GCC compiler with high optimisation often generates code that access them with mis-aligned accesses and cause hard faults.

By reducing the optimisation of the compiler it often goes away and I also find that declaring variables that cause hard faults as volatile stops the compiler optimising and then corrects access alignment - from what I hear I expect you have also identified such.

I had a discussion with Eric Styger here (see discussion at the bottom)

where I believe that the use of volatile to solve such things (when they have been correctly understood) is valid. There are arguments about this being the wrong way but - as you can see - I think that it is valid in such cases and that is what I do use. You will find various such work-arounds in the code that were needed for the i.MX RT. For example, new routines
    21.12.2021 Add fnSafeGetBufLittleShort(), fnSafeGetBufLittleLong(), fnSafeGetBufBigShort(), fnSafeGetBufBigLong() {103}
    09.01.2022 Add fnSafePutBufLittleShort(), fnSafePutBufLittleLong(), fnSafePutBufBigShort(), fnSafePutBufBigLong() {104}
are used in some code and drivers to copy buffer content in a safe way.

Usually it is quite obvious that the hard faults are due to the compiler optimising accesses (trying to use 32 bit instead of 8 bit but accessing on unaligned boundaries) by looking at the disassembled code that caused the crash. Then adding the volatile keyword to the variables in question will show that it then doesn't optimise and the code works as expected.

It is a bit of a nuisance (IAR, for example, doesn't have this problem) but when you have experienced and solved it once or twice when moving existing code to the i.MX RT you will find that it is easy to recognise and solve so it is also not that serious.



Hi All

When using VS and its simulation of uTasker projects the "Solution Configuration" drop down (where it shows the target being used) tend to be rather narrow by default and so the target selected is not really visible. It can however be configured to be wider so that it becomes much more useful, as long as it can be worked out how to actually do it.

Here is the method:

1. Hover your mouse over the "Solution Configuration" and press right mouse to see the context menu.

2. Select "Customize..." - right at the bottom.

3. Now select the "Standard" Toolbar in the Commands tab and select "Solution Configurations" before commanding "Modify Selection", which gives the possibility to change its width setting:



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Kinetis CRC HW Module
« on: February 21, 2021, 06:04:20 AM »
Hi All

The following details concern the CRC HW module in the Kinetis parts and is valid as from 21st Feb. 2021 in the developers version.

1. The driver can be enabled with (in app_hw_kinetis.h) SUPPORT_HW_CRC

2. These are the modes that are  implemented:

3. In debug.c are some test commands in the I/O menu which allow testing two CRC16 and two CRC32 types to be verified

    {"crc16",             "Check CRC-16-Maxim",                    DO_HARDWARE,      DO_CRC_16_MAXIM},
    {"crc16b",            "Check CRC-16-Buypass",                  DO_HARDWARE,      DO_CRC_16_BUYPASS},
    {"crc32",             "Check CRC-32-IEEE",                     DO_HARDWARE,      DO_CRC_32_IEEE},
    {"crc32m",            "Check CRC-32-Mpeg-2",                   DO_HARDWARE,      DO_CRC_32_MPEG2},

4. This is how to use it (see also the code in debug.c which verifies the result with reference values).

Code: [Select]
              static const unsigned char ucRefData[] = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B'};

              fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), (CRC16_MAXIM_CALCULATION));   // configure the calculation and calculate the first buffer
              fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), 0);           // recalculate without reseeding
              ulCalculated = fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), 0); // recalculate without reseeding
              fnDebugHex(ulCalculated, (WITH_LEADIN | sizeof(unsigned short) | WITH_CR_LF)); // display the result
              if (ulCalculated == 0xf0bc) {                                // recalculate without reseeding and terminate (power down hardware CRC module)
              else {                 

Terminal output example:


The example shows the input being passed 3 times.
If one only needs to calculate a single buffer it is used like this:

Code: [Select]
usCalculated = (unsigned short)fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), (CRC16_MAXIM_CALCULATION));

CRC16_MAXIM_CALCULATION selects the standard to use (internally it uses 0x8005 polynomial, 0x0000 seed value and the result is inverted).
The result returned is always 32 bits in length but in the case of the CRC16 (as shown) it can be cast to a 16 bit result.

If the calculation is to be performed over multiple input buffers without resetting the seed in between following calls can be done with:

Code: [Select]
fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), (0)); // continue calculating the CRC over multiple buffers
fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), (0));
fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), (0));
usCalculated = (unsigned short)fnCalculateCRC(ucRefData, sizeof(ucRefData), (0)); // use the final result

The mode parameter is simply set to 0 so that the mode is retained without setting a new seed value. Intermediate results are returned but don't need to be used until all buffers have been handled.

5. After each calculation the CRC module is automatically powered down.

6. The API should be very easy to use and can be used for a wide range of standard CRC16 and CRC32 calculations just by passing the desired mode parameter (without needing to know all setup details to achieve the mode)

7. The function works in on the Kinetis HW when it has a CRC module integrated. It also works in the simulator when using this command. The simulator emulates the way that the module operates and produces the equivalent output for all of the modes.



How to add new CLI menus and commands - valid from check-in 6th February 2021.

1. Add a new line in the table tMainCommand[]

    {"C",                 "Go to My Commands menu",                DO_HELP,          DO_MENU_HELP_MY_COMMANDS},

and add a new define DO_MENU_HELP_MY_COMMANDS (for example, see where the list with DO_MENU_HELP_MQTT is and add it on to there)

2. Search for the way that DO_MENU_HELP_MQTT is handled:

        else if (DO_MENU_HELP_MQTT == ucType) {
            ucMenu = MENU_HELP_MQTT;                                     // set MQTT menu
            return (fnDisplayHelp(0));                                   // large menu may require special handling

and add a new help handler for your new sub-menu:

        else if (DO_MENU_HELP_MY_COMMANDS == ucType) {
            ucMenu = MENU_HELP_MY_COMMANDS;                                     // set my new menu
            return (fnDisplayHelp(0));                                   // large menu may require special handling

Locate MENU_HELP_MQTT (it is an enum in versions from 6th Feb. 2021) and extend the list with MENU_HELP_MY_COMMANDS (this must be in the enum list menu_help_reference in the same order as the main menu is built up!!!!!).

3. Add a new line in the table



{ tMyCommands,          15, (sizeof(tMyCommands)/sizeof(DEBUG_COMMAND)),          "    My menu"},

Note that the value 15 is the tab spacing when listing commands in this menu. 15 tends to be fine but it can be increased if you have long commands in the menu (which are added next). See reference at the end to see what the TAB SPACING affects.

4. This then needs its own sub-menu (tMyCommands)

Start with

static const DEBUG_COMMAND tMyCommands[] = {
    {"up",                "go to main menu",                       DO_HELP,          DO_HELP_UP},
    {"help",              "Display menu specific help",            DO_HELP,          DO_MAIN_HELP},
    {"quit",              "Leave command mode",                    DO_TELNET,        DO_TELNET_QUIT},

so it supports basic help, quit and up commands.

This should already run, showing a sparse new sub-menu

5. To add a new command insert one in to the tMyCommands[] table

    {"new_command",              "Description",                  DO_MY_GROUP,      DO_MY_COMMAND},

where you need to add new defines

DO_MY_GROUP (see where the list with DO_TELNET is and add it to there)

DO_MY_COMMAND (start a new list of defines dedicated to the new sub-menu - eg. beginning with 1)

You can also use existing groups (such as DO_TELNET) if you want to handle the new command type there rather than creating a new group.

6. Make a group action handle (assuming a new group define was added) where the new command is handled - starting an action, with or without interpreting additional parameters passed in the ptrInput string)

static void fnNewGroup(unsigned char ucType, CHAR *ptrInput)
    switch (ucType) {
    case DO_MY_COMMAND:
        // Handle the command here

and enter it in

static int fnDoCommand(unsigned char ucFunction, unsigned char ucType, CHAR *ptrInput)

    case DO_TELNET:                  <----example of existing group handler
        fnDoTelnet(ucType, ptrInput);
    case DO_MY_GROUP:         <--- the new group handler
        fnNewGroup(ucType, ptrInput);


Now the new sub-menu exists, can be entered and exited and one new command is available. When the command is executed the DO_MY_COMMAND case is hit and the specific new command code can be added there.

     Main menu
N [TAB SPACING]Configure network
S              Configure serial interface
I              Go to I/O menu
A              Go to administration menu
O              Go to overview/statistics menu
U              Go to USB menu
M              MQTT client commands
C              Go to My Commands menu
help           Display menu specific help
quit           Leave command mode

     My menu
up             go to main menu
new_command    Description
help           Display menu specific help
quit           Leave command mode


To extend existing sub-menus with new commands just step 5. can be used to extend existing menus and no new group is usually needed.



Hi All

The i.MX RT 106x parts include high-speed ports that are clocked at the core's clock speed and tightly coupled for fastest control.

This video shows the speeds that the GPIOs can achieve and gives additional background concerning their implementation and use:



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Teensy 4.1 with Ethernet Kit
« on: December 26, 2020, 12:23:28 AM »
Hi All

Guess what I received for Christmas?

A Teensy 4.1 with Ethernet Kit !!!

So I soldered the Ethernet Kit together and built the uTasker Loader and an application with Ethernet features as found here:

I did have to adapt the PHY configuration slightly to ensure it was configured to match the HW's clocking but then it started working as it should.



Preview of some new feature in the uTasker projects uGLCDLib supporting rich graphics and touch control completely in internal RAM, with i.MX RT processor, peripheral, interrupt, DMA, TFT and touch controller simulation for easy developing which makes embedded processing quick and fun to do!



Hi All

See this video for explanation!



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / i.MX RT XBAR + AOI modules introduced
« on: September 03, 2020, 03:42:08 AM »
Hi All

New video showing XBAR and AOI in operation:



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