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Topics - dep937

Pages: [1]
utFAT / How to show a picture in glcd from sd card?
« on: November 23, 2012, 03:35:39 PM »
Hi, what would be the procedure to show a picture in bmp on glcd since sd card?

Thanks, I'm will start to work in this, when I get something, i will upload.

utFAT / Error when uncomment SDCARD_SUPPORT
« on: October 22, 2012, 03:09:52 PM »
When I uncomment the line to get SD Card support I have some errors.

Code: [Select]
#define SDCARD_SUPPORT                                                 // SD-card interface
    #define SD_CARD_RETRY_INTERVAL       5                               // attempt SD card initialisation at 5s intervals
    #define UT_DIRECTORIES_AVAILABLE     5                               // this many directories objects are available for allocation
    #define UTMANAGED_FILE_COUNT        10                               // allow this many managed files at one time
    #define UTFAT_LFN_READ                                               // enable long file name read support
    #ifdef UTFAT_LFN_READ
        #define MAX_UTFAT_FILE_NAME     (100)                            // the maximum file name length supported
    #define UTFAT_WRITE                                                  // enable write functions
    #ifdef UTFAT_WRITE
        #define UTFAT_FORMATTING                                         // enable formatting SD cards (requires also write)
        #define UTFAT_FULL_FORMATTING                                    // enable formatting SD cards including zeroing of data sectors as well as FAT sectors
    #define UTFAT16                                                      // support FAT16 as well as FAT32
    #define SUPPORT_FILE_TIME_STAMP                                      // when activated fnGetLocalFileTime() must exist, which return the date and time information

This is the list of error, I try to follow, but I cant find what is wrong.
compiling LPC17XX.c...
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(315): warning:  #111-D: statement is unreachable
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4484): error:  #20: identifier "ucSeconds" is undefined
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4485): error:  #20: identifier "ucMinutes" is undefined
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4486): error:  #20: identifier "ucHours" is undefined
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4487): error:  #20: identifier "ucDayOfMonth" is undefined
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4488): error:  #20: identifier "ucMonthOfYear" is undefined
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4489): error:  #20: identifier "usYear" is undefined
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4490): error:  #20: identifier "ucSeconds" is undefined
..\..\..\Hardware\LPC17XX\LPC17XX.c(4491): error:  #20: identifier "usYear" is undefined

I think that this must be a silly mistake, but can´t find it.


NXPTM LPC2XXX and LPC17XX / Error when compile LPC17XX with TFT2N0369
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:58:41 PM »
Hi, i finally find the controller for my board, so I tried to compile it, but I get the next error. Which are the values for "GLCD_COMMAND_ADDR" and "GLCD_DATA_ADDR"?

Code: [Select]
compiling GLCD.c...
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(1541): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_COMMAND_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(1541): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\GLCD.c(277): warning:  #223-D: function "ENABLE_BACKLIGHT" declared implicitly
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(901): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_COMMAND_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(901): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(905): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_COMMAND_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(905): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(909): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_COMMAND_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(909): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(914): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_COMMAND_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(914): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\glcd_cglcd.h(918): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_COMMAND_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\GLCD.c(1690): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\GLCD.c(1703): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
..\..\..\uTasker\uGLCDLIB\GLCD.c(2233): error:  #20: identifier "GLCD_DATA_ADDR" is undefined
compiling LCD.c...
compiling mass_storage.c...
Target not created

Thanks, Damian

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