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Topics - RichardV

Pages: [1]
I got the Serial Loader for teensy3.5 working but it requires the loader to start first before it will read the new software off of the SD Card. Is there a setting within the Serial Loader build process to have the Serial Loader start at power up every time?

My existing project with Teensy3.5 won't allow me to have specific pins pulled low or high at boot so I was wondering if there was a mechanism in the Serial Loader build process to just always have it boot and pull in the current the rev of software that will be residing on the SD Card?

I'm very new uTasker Serial Bootloader. I've been working with Teensy products for some time though. I would like to be able to take advantage of the wolfSSL encryption libraries and did notice that they are part of the uTasker project. Is there a chance I could get some guidance on the setting up the Serial Bootloader for Teensy3_5 to provide only the following:

1. Serial Bootloader with SD CARD and USB Thumbdrive loader support
2. AES encryption w/ wolfSSL integration.

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