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Messages - suhas

Pages: [1]
Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: January 10, 2010, 03:08:30 PM »
Hi Mark

but how program come to know which task is allocated  for which interrupt ? somewhere i need to mention in code where should i do?


Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:48:22 PM »
hi mark

can u tell me how task get call when interrupt or event occurred ?

Regards suhas

Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: December 28, 2009, 07:50:54 PM »
Hi Mark
Actually i want write task which can wake up on one of port pin interrupt, how can i do that. i do not understand how can i assign interrupt event to particular task .


Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:32:04 PM »
Hi Mark
          can u tell me how to use interrupt mean i want  to build one task depends on pin event using that pin interrupt .


Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:38:50 PM »
Hi mark
Can u tell me flow of  html dynamic variable , means when  I press submit button on web page in which function  it go first and after that all the function through it travel

Because I am trying to add my web page but I am not able to do that. 

Thanks And Regards

Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: November 22, 2009, 03:58:35 PM »
Thanks Mark
                 is there any way my html files get compile while i compile my program get load with my program only so i can keep account of my program memory , and i don't need to load it separately.


Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: November 22, 2009, 02:27:58 PM »
Thanks mark
                Actually problem with file witch i downloaded now i downloaded new V1.4 now its working fine , thanks a lot

               Can you tell me about html pages means how we can tell compiler to pickup my html pages from my pc and where it store all pages in flash


Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / Re: not able to debug
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:16:47 PM »
Hi mark and andreseg

actually PC not coming out from function fnInitialiseHeap(), i am not able to find out why its hang in this function
it stuck in following while loop
while (ucPattern <= &ucTopOfStack) {                                 
      *ucPattern++ = UNUSED_STACK_PATTERN;

Thanks & Regards ,

Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / not able to debug
« on: October 28, 2009, 08:06:06 PM »
Hi All,
I am using  LM3S6965 kit with IAR , i am able to download program but not able to debug .
In disassembly window it showing  it stuck in __iar_program_start
I don’t  know what setting required before putting in debug mode   

Thanks And Regards

Luminary Micro TM LM3SXXXX / dynamic variable generation in web pages
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:18:06 AM »
Hi All,
In below line what is meaning of £vIs,£dSD, £DM6 ,£vIm , £sM2 and why we used this ?

tr><td>Subnet mask<td colspan="4"><input maxLength=15 size=15 name=Is value="£vIs" £dSD £DM6>£vIm<th><input id=m3 type=checkbox name=r £sM2 disabled>
(This line belong to file  4lan.htm)


Hi Martin
Thnaks now its working ,problem is with downloader only

Thanks for  your help
But i am getting problem when i trying to burn ic , i am not able to burn the code fully after  7%  burning process get stuck and error popup  . i am using LM flash programmer for that
And i also tried utasker  source code for same board in this case after compiling and file burn successfully but nothing working , not status led also     

Hi all

i am using LM3s6i965-rec board , i download demo bin file for same board from utasker website and burn in the board but after burning nothing will happen means code is not working so what should i do?


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