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Messages - seulater

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µTasker general / Re: Creating a new Task
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:33:17 AM »
In return I would love your comments on the use of the uTasker simulator, which you promised (is that overstated?) to try out.

No, i did say that, but... so much of my work is with SPI, I2C, UART, Address & Data bus, i dont see how it will help, since it cannot mimic thoes things.

Actually, this pdf came in the nick of time for me. I was trying out lwip which i got working, but their web page strategy is idiotic. they expect everyone to know perl and have it to convert the web site over, talk about a dumb idea!!!

µTasker general / Re: Creating a new Task
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:23:42 AM »
Now thats what i am talking about, great job and perfict examples. ;D

now all that is really left is a pdf for all the function calls, that we can use like fnDebugMsg and so on.

with an example of using each. then it will allow anyone to quickly try it out.

µTasker general / Re: Creating a new Task
« on: March 31, 2008, 12:31:55 PM »
since you asked...
Please remember that people going to try your code out dont know jack about it. so when creating a manual you have to look at it from their point of view. Many times i see that the documents dont keep this in mind. they have it all in their head and assume too much.

#1) all functions need to be in the document, and listed in order.
#2) each function needs a description of what it is and what it does and its return values if any.
#3) a bonus feature would be to have the function name, the description and then a short example with comments of how to use it.
#4) also, it would be nice to tell us where to add our code at, I.E. make a example of a task running say "hello World" every second.

the more you put in the documents, the better off you will be. Most guys i know that try new things out are just like me, can it do bla...bla...bla... and they want to know that answer right away before learning the whole thing. Many times just to find out it wont. So people today want results quick to determine if it will work for them. The better the docs the more people will be willing to give it a try.  When no docs are there, many people just turn and go onto the next guy who does.

I just happen to take the time to mention this because i think you have the potential for something good here, and i would like it to become popular.


µTasker general / Re: Creating a new Task
« on: March 31, 2008, 02:05:23 AM »
thanks, i have decided to wait to use it until there is a manual, which explains all the features and give short examples for each.
i dont have the time to search through the forum for my answers and look through pages of code to see how things work.

µTasker general / Re: Creating a new Task
« on: March 30, 2008, 01:10:23 AM »
Opps, sorry i forgot to add that when i posted.

#define TASK_MINE            'z'

µTasker general / Creating a new Task
« on: March 30, 2008, 12:54:03 AM »
in TaskConfig.h i added...

extern void fnMINE(TTASKTABLE *);

Then under const UTASK_TASK ctNodes[] i added mine here,

TASK_APPLICATION,                                                      // application task
TASK_DEBUG,                                                            // maintenance task


{ "Mine",       fnMINE,        MEDIUM_QUE,  (DELAY_LIMIT)(0.10 * SEC), 0, UTASKER_STOP},

and lastly....

void fnMINE(TTASKTABLE *ptrTaskTable)

   printf("System is Up\r\n");


yet, it never fires, what else do i need to do to kick start it ?
and, do tasks need to be in a while(1) statemnt like below ?

void fnMINE(TTASKTABLE *ptrTaskTable)
   printf("System is Up\r\n");

µTasker general / Re: how to use printf() in uTASKER??
« on: March 30, 2008, 12:27:22 AM »
thansk, i jsut found that out shortly before i heard the e-mail "ding" for this thread.
i put the printf in the application thread, and it worked. Although i keeps printing that printf over and over again every so many seconds. Which tells me its a task.

Now, I am just trying to get a grip on all the tasks that are running, where i can stick in my personal code.

µTasker general / Re: Using TCP in the uTasker project
« on: March 30, 2008, 12:13:03 AM »
ok, i will give it a whirl. i dont think the Ethernet will be cause of many problems as using new external peripheral. I will take your advise and give it a try.
So the PC debugger even is able to match the boards cpu speed in simulating as well ?

µTasker general / Re: how to use printf() in uTASKER??
« on: March 30, 2008, 12:04:04 AM »
Therefore we are probably not so different than you thought (apart for the simulator bit...possibly).

Whew... ok i placed the code snippet you send, whith a bit of mod to make compiler happy.

extern int __putchar(char byte_to_send)
    CHAR output_string[2];
    output_string[0] = byte_to_send;
    output_string[1] = 0;

i added these to lines in LM3Sxxxx.c in the main routine under the multipart section, it compiles without warning, but yet i get nothing out the UART. if i hit return i get the menu to the UART part works. Is it that the code to init the uart has not been initalized yet at this point ?

Code: [Select]
        uTaskerStart((UTASKTABLEINIT *)prtInfo->ptTaskTable, prtInfo->ptNodesTable, PHYSICAL_QUEUES);

fnDebugMsg("Multi Start\r\n");
printf("Multi Start\r\n");

        while ((prtInfo = (MULTISTART_TABLE*)uTaskerSchedule()) == 0) {} // schedule uTasker

    } while (1);

µTasker general / Re: Using TCP in the uTasker project
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:41:36 PM »
Thanks, i will try it on the real thing, debugging is out of the question for me. i dont trust them

µTasker general / Re: how to use printf() in uTASKER??
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:39:46 PM »
I have to admit to not ever having used printf() within the uTasker project myself but I believe some users have, so this shouldn't be a big difficulty.

WOW! i thought i never would hear anyone say that! 
it seems you and i are night and day different when it comes to debugging.

i use printf all the time, in every program i ever wrote. i like to know where the uP is at and what its currently doing. printf is my personal debug method. you might think im nuts but i thing debuggers are a waste of time  ;)

before you send me up the river with that statement, let me explain why. almost ever project i do has some sort of external peripheral i need to talk to. years ago, when i gave debugging a try i got bit by it and never looked back.

Since debugging did not allow me to run full speed so my project worked. when i ran it at full speed i had problems.  it took allot of pulling hair out to find out why. as it turns out a few properly placed printf's running full speed saved the day. the problem was a board trace layout issue, was to close to a power supply rail, and picking up noise. this would only be a problem at full cpu speed.

I would imagine that today debuggers might be different, but i have used printf for so long not and i never run into trouble doing it this way. so i figure why bother with the debugger when i can print the same thing to the terminal.

so if i comment out the your size_t and then use my

void __putchar(int ch)

to write to the uart tx buffer, i should be good to go then.

µTasker general / Re: The forums is not well suited for IE
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:28:15 PM »
i dont think my screen res. is the problem. i am at 1024x768, and when i use firefox then i can see the right side just fine. only in IE7 does the bottom get croped off.

µTasker general / Re: The forums is not well suited for IE
« on: March 29, 2008, 04:25:39 PM »
sure, it clips the bottom, i can barley see the "Live demos" button on the left and the right is allways cliped. the site and the forum work just fine in Opera and firefox.

µTasker general / Re: how to use printf() in uTASKER??
« on: March 29, 2008, 04:17:54 PM »
when i try printf, i got an error of "printf.c:(.text+0x30): undefined reference to `__putchar'"
i forgot to #include <stdio.h>, when i did that i got a new error of "conflicting types for 'size_t'"

i need to have full support for printf, but i don't want to interfere with your code by using it.

I am using Crosworks and the new Luminary package

µTasker general / The forums is not well suited for IE
« on: March 29, 2008, 03:20:37 PM »
you probably know this, but the forums and the main web site are not well suited for IE 7

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