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Messages - alager

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µTasker general / Re: uTasker simulator and VisualStudio 2010
« on: February 14, 2011, 07:10:51 PM »

Do you think you could post the 1.3 project files for 2010?  There seem to be  a lot of additional files in 1.4 that 1.3 doesn't have.


µTasker general / Re: LAN_REPORT_ACTIVITY activity LED stops after a while
« on: December 23, 2010, 09:49:24 PM »
Just following up on this topic, it was the queue size.  Once I returned the network indicator task to the large queue size, the activity LED issue disappeared.

I do have some questions regarding this though.
1) What gets corrupted when the queue over flows, and can this cause problems in other areas/tasks/timers ect?
2) Is it possible to overflow the large queue?  What keeps it from overflowing?
3) Is there a way to keep the queue from overflowing, so that a  smaller queue can be used?  Because in this case it's okay to miss a message on occasion since it just means a missed potential blink.


PS. I do not have the above mentioned bug fix {113} running.  I've just created a task here to go through all the diffs between our current project (1.3 based) and 1.4, to add those items that make sense.

µTasker general / Re: LAN_REPORT_ACTIVITY activity LED stops after a while
« on: December 09, 2010, 06:07:13 PM »
I think it may be the queue size, I had reduced the size of the queue for the fnNetworkIndicator to SMALL_QUEUE, from LARGE_QUE.  I'll change it back and see if things return to normal.


µTasker general / LAN_REPORT_ACTIVITY activity LED stops after a while
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:20:17 PM »

We've noticed that when LAN_REPORT_ACTIVITY is set, the activity LED stops after a while  ???.  The only way to get it back to normal is by resetting the chip (MCF52233).  The link LED still works and is updated normally when this occurs.  And for completeness, yes there is network traffic to the device. 

Any ideas?


µTasker general / Can I disable telnet idle timeout?
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:43:12 PM »
Is there an easy way to disable the telnet idle timeout?  When I traced through the code, it looks like the value in the timeout is always evaluated for time, I didn't see a way to turn it off, or make it infinite.

Since we are using telnet as a machine interface, not just for humans, it would be nice be able to make it not time out.



We found an issue under the following circumstances:
1) Using the software random sequence generator (as opposed to a hardware PRNG).
2) Multiple devices powering up at the same time on the same network, including the router (think power outage).

When this happens all the devices are asking for DHCP at around the same time using an identical XID.  Thus multiple devices get the same IP address.

It appears that in fnDHCPListner()
Code: [Select]
data += IPV4_LENGTH + 216;  // skip siaddr, chaddr, sname, file and get all info from the options fieldthe chaddr isn't being checked against the devices own MAC.

Is there any particular reason to not do this comparison?  We are routinely getting two to five devices installed per location (yay for our side), and have seen this behavior several times.


Thanks Mark!  I'd would like to point out that the included web pages and the documentation in the forums (various explanations of how things work) all say 3 minutes.

BTW, the reason for increasing this is for the scenario when the user is changing from one network address to a different network, eg. from a 10.10.1.x network to a 192.168.1.x network.  This requires the user to reconfigure their computer, and on vista and win7, they have a tough time getting it done in time before the card reverts to the previous network settings.


µTasker general / Increase parameter timeout from 3 minutes to 5 minutes
« on: November 05, 2010, 11:21:29 PM »
I'm trying to increase the timeout for network parameter validation from 3 minutes to 5 minutes, but I just can't seem to find how this is set.  Can someone point me in the right direction?
I'm using version 1.3


µTasker general / Re: Mutexes and semaphores?
« on: October 12, 2010, 10:00:22 PM »

In our case we are doing many to one communication to a UART.  Two telnet connections both send data to the same UART.  The issue arises when the UART is to send data back.  Which socket should it use?  I can implement a simple flag based mutex, but was wondering if you had done something more elegant on your end.


µTasker general / Mutexes and semaphores?
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:16:10 AM »

A while back you mentioned that you were going to look into adding mutexes and semaphores.  Have there been any developments in that area?


µTasker general / DHCP fails when using option overload 52
« on: August 03, 2010, 06:24:25 PM »

We found a router, Netgear FVS318, that is sending option 52 and thus causing utasker dhcp to fail.
The cause of the failure is that in fnDoRxDHCP() the case issues a return instead of a break:
Code: [Select]
                        return NO_SUPPORT_FOR_DHCP_OVERLOAD;             // we don't process overload messages

Because of the return, we never get to the line that saves the offered IP:
Code: [Select]
uMemcpy(ucDHCP_IP, usOfferedIP, IPV4_LENGTH);                // save the offered IP
Can the overload just be ignored, and use a break?  Or is there some better way of handling this case?


NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: fnRandom() not changing
« on: July 15, 2010, 07:24:21 PM »

For our case we need the seed value to be more random than just between chips, we need it to be more random on each power cycle.
Also we are mostly concerned with using the random value for network traffic stuff.  So here is what I did.  It's much more random, but does rely on network traffic.  So a project that doesn't use networking will not benefit from this method.

In NetworkIndicators.c declare an unsigned short randomSeed  and in the EMAC_RX_INTERRUPT case:
ACTIVITY_LED_ON();                                      // turn on activity LED (for a short time)
randomSeed = (randomSeed * randomSeed) + 1;// start forming a random seed, based on local network traffic.

then in fnRandom() add:
register unsigned short usShifter = usRandomNumber;  // for speed, copy to register
if (!usShifter) {
            usShifter = randomSeed;
            usShifter = 0x127b;               //should never happen, but just in case

lastly I stubbed out fnInitialiseRND() to just return 0.

This method works pretty well.  The first time fnInitialiseRND() is called, randomSeed is still zero, but by the time fnRandom() is called for the first time, there has been some network traffic and randomSeed now has some 16 bit number.


NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: fnRandom() not changing
« on: July 14, 2010, 05:21:06 PM »

The simulator is unhappy with these latest changes.  I'm getting an access violation when trying to access the new location of *ptrSeed in fnInitialiseRND():
unsigned short usRnd = *ptrSeed;

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: fnRandom() not changing
« on: July 14, 2010, 12:30:04 AM »
This may sound dumb, but how do I know which linker script is being used by code warrior?


out of the fnValidatedInit() routine to the main initialisation code.
  Can you give more details on the "main initialisation" location?


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