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Messages - k64konfused

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Thank you for the suggestions, Mark.  I have to confess that I might need to read them a couple of times before I really understand.  I'll post up whatever questions I come up with later on tonight.  :)

Thanks, Mark.  I just want to make sure I'm understanding things properly here, so here's an example.

I need to implement a Wiznet library over SPI so that I can add a 2nd NIC to the FRDM-K64F.  Ideally, I'd simulate this first, but there isn't a way to send SPI commands to an external board.  Therefore, I should simply write an interface for the library, then derive a simulation layer from this interface that the VS simulator project will call into.  Once I prove that I can send simulated data back and forth, then I would implement the hardware layer and run through KDS.

While it's not possible to send SPI data, is the SPI interface something that is possible to emulate?  In other words, I just need to confirm that I can make the uTasker SPI library call, and then have a simulated layer send back pre-packaged data.  I think this is basically what you do for UARTs?

Thanks, Mark!  While there is still a gap in my knowledge regarding KDS, Eclipse, and various settings, it does look like the P&E bootloader did the trick.  Once I realized that I had to specify the .elf file (I'm used to Visual Studio which does everything for me), I was able to debug the application.  RGB LED is blinking green and I can ping the board at the specified IP address, so perhaps now I can shift back to trying out the simulator, as well as getting other peripherals to work in uTasker.

Mark, I got a little delayed in trying your suggestions, but I followed them a moment ago.  Everything compiles fine, but I can't seem to run the program on the target to test things out.  I'm not sure how to proceed, given the following messages in my console.

FYI, I am currently using the mbed bootloader.  Do I need to load the Segger J-Link OpenSDA firmware instead?

µTasker general / Re: Simulating custom peripherals?
« on: September 25, 2014, 03:53:22 PM »
Microsoft (ex NTinternals/Sysinternals) also have a free serial port monitor by the way, Portmon. You can find it here:

The only problem with PortMon is that it only works on Win 32bit systems.  It appears that AccessPort works on 64 bit systems, but I've yet to figure out how to make it actually capture data.  Martin, were you able to find any manual for this app?  My issue is that I'm coming from PortMon, which can access the COM port after it's been opened by the application that needs to be monitored.  I guess a discussion about this doesn't even belong in the uTasker forum -- not sure if you're okay with getting PMs about this...

µTasker general / Re: General simulator problems
« on: September 25, 2014, 03:22:06 PM »
Ok, I've figured out the NIC part.  I happened to find a commented-out ETH_INTERFACE #define, which was not documented in the manual.  Uncommented and now ethernet seems to be enabled.  I'll keep playing around.

This leaves the UART functionality with a ? still.  Can anyone explain how that's supposed to work?  From other posts, I've gathered that I have to create the UART0.txt file to simulate the input on COM9 (which doesn't actually physically exist on my computer -- is this a problem as well?) and then the app will read it in.  I assumed that not having a physical port corresponding to COM9 is okay, since this is a simulation of data receiving only.

µTasker general / Re: General simulator problems
« on: September 25, 2014, 03:16:20 PM »
I take one statement back -- Port Sim -> Open Script presents a file open dialog.  Help -> Info and File -> Exit work as well.  :)

µTasker general / General simulator problems
« on: September 25, 2014, 03:14:47 PM »
I'm going through the uTasker - Kinetis Tutorial and felt that it makes the most sense to familiarize myself with uTasker using the simulator first, and then move on to real hardware (FRDM-K64F).

I have made the necessary modifications to the Simulator project using VS2010.  I have set my simulation UART0 to COM9, and have set my network settings as described in the manual (only modified for my particular network).  The project compiles and runs just fine.

The problem I see is that *nothing* in the menus work.  I started by selecting LAN -> Select Working NIC, and nothing happens.  I then tried UARTs -> Simulate a receive message on UART0.  I created UART0.txt in my Debug folder, but nothing gets read from the file as far as I can tell.  So I tried *all* of the other menu commands, and nothing happens.  It's also strange that in my application window, the IP says x.x.x.x:yy-yy-yy-yy-yy-yy instead of having a real IP and MAC address.

Furthermore, the first three times I ran the application, the board was a green PCB, but now it looks like an actual FRDM-K64F.  I haven't changed *anything* other than what I have already described.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

Thank you Mark, I certainly appreciate your prompt reply and will try out your suggestions ASAP!

Hi Mark, I'm trying my best to get running with KDS and uTasker on my FRDM-K64F, but so far I am completely failing.

First of all, I am relying on two documents to get started: 1) the readme file and 2) the uTasker v1.4 User Guide - First Steps PDF.

Steps 1-3 in the readme are obviously very basic and I have all of the software downloaded and installed.
Step 4 I couldn't do because the software demo seems to be for the "tower board", which I do not have.
Once I got to step 5, I consulted the User Guide, but found the one specific to v1.4.

Here's where I got hung up.  After I made a copy of Applications/uTaskerV1.4 and configured the simulator in Visual Studio, the next step was to add a new task to my project.

Specific questions at this point:

  • when you say "add a new source file to the project", by "project" are you talking about the renamed project I created in the Applications folder, or are you saying that it should be in the root extracted uTasker folder?  I've done it both ways -- when I look at the Project Explorer in KDS, should I have the Application, Hardware, stack, and uTasker folders, or should I just see Includes?  Please see the following image:
  • If I put main.cpp into Applications/uTaskerDemo and then build, I just get a "Nothing to build for project uTasker" message
  • If I put main.cpp into the other project that just shows Includes, then I get the error "fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory"

If you could help me fill in the details that I'm missing, I'd really appreciate it so I can start trying out uTasker.  I apologize for these questions if the answers seem obvious.  I'm just having a little trouble piecing the bits together.  Thank you!

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