Hi Mark, I'm trying my best to get running with KDS and uTasker on my FRDM-K64F, but so far I am completely failing.
First of all, I am relying on two documents to get started: 1) the
readme file and 2) the
uTasker v1.4 User Guide - First Steps PDF.
Steps 1-3 in the readme are obviously very basic and I have all of the software downloaded and installed.
Step 4 I couldn't do because the software demo seems to be for the "tower board", which I do not have.
Once I got to step 5, I consulted the User Guide, but found the one specific to v1.4.
Here's where I got hung up. After I made a copy of Applications/uTaskerV1.4 and configured the simulator in Visual Studio, the next step was to add a new task to my project.
Specific questions at this point:
- when you say "add a new source file to the project", by "project" are you talking about the renamed project I created in the Applications folder, or are you saying that it should be in the root extracted uTasker folder? I've done it both ways -- when I look at the Project Explorer in KDS, should I have the Application, Hardware, stack, and uTasker folders, or should I just see Includes? Please see the following image:
- If I put main.cpp into Applications/uTaskerDemo and then build, I just get a "Nothing to build for project uTasker" message
- If I put main.cpp into the other project that just shows Includes, then I get the error "fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory"
If you could help me fill in the details that I'm missing, I'd really appreciate it so I can start trying out uTasker. I apologize for these questions if the answers seem obvious. I'm just having a little trouble piecing the bits together. Thank you!