µTasker general / uTasker FLASH Exception
« on: November 20, 2020, 09:25:40 PM »
Hi mark,
Im back, following the tutorial to setup the simulator. By the way, i have copied all files with FTP and loaded the simulator website. But, when i want to start simulator again, i get this exception:
#if defined _WINDOWS
if (*(unsigned long *)fnGetFlashAdd((unsigned char *)ptrWord) != 0xffffffff) { // {36}
_EXCEPTION("Attempting to write to non-blank flash unit!!");
*(unsigned long *)fnGetFlashAdd((unsigned char *)ptrWord) = *ptr_ulWord;
If i delete FLASH_KINETIS.ini, applications starts normally.. I think that i need to enable/disable some check to fix it but i dont know which one.. value of ptrWord is 0x00061000
I have read the document for user files but i cant to solve it yet.
Im back, following the tutorial to setup the simulator. By the way, i have copied all files with FTP and loaded the simulator website. But, when i want to start simulator again, i get this exception:
#if defined _WINDOWS
if (*(unsigned long *)fnGetFlashAdd((unsigned char *)ptrWord) != 0xffffffff) { // {36}
_EXCEPTION("Attempting to write to non-blank flash unit!!");
*(unsigned long *)fnGetFlashAdd((unsigned char *)ptrWord) = *ptr_ulWord;
If i delete FLASH_KINETIS.ini, applications starts normally.. I think that i need to enable/disable some check to fix it but i dont know which one.. value of ptrWord is 0x00061000
I have read the document for user files but i cant to solve it yet.