Hi Mark,
I'm trying to set up a tcp socket to serial port link in my application. I'm using the AT91SAM7X-EK board connected to my PC via ethernet. Basically, I'm setting up a telnet connection to port 1000 in my case and connecting it to USART 0 on the board. I would like a two-way connection. I'm at the point where I can send from the tcp port to the serial connection with no problem. When I try the reverse, I run into trouble. I can send a few characters back, but it seems to cut me off after only a few characters. It's as though I've filled a buffer and not emptying it. Excuse my ignorance of TCP/IP protocol.
I was also wondering if you have a comprehensive function index as a document somewhere. I see you have a link for a function index on your site, but it is mostly empty. The documentation you have is great for background information and getting started, but there doesn't seem to be any reference documentation.