Hi Mark,
We need to use the second IIC interface on a LM3S1968 chip, as well as the first. Is this as simple as changing the channel number in the configuration routine, and generating a new handle using fnOpen?
static void fnConfigIIC_Interface(void)
IICTABLE tIICParameters;
tIICParameters.usSpeed = 400; // 400k
tIICParameters.Rx_tx_sizes.TxQueueSize = 256; // transmit queue size
tIICParameters.Rx_tx_sizes.RxQueueSize = 256; // receive queue size
tIICParameters.Task_to_wake = OWN_TASK; // no wake on transmission
tIICParameters.Channel = 0;
IICPortID = fnOpen( TYPE_IIC, FOR_I_O, &tIICParameters); // open the channel with defined configurations
Will the simulator support two IIC networks, or will the same simulator code be called for both ports?