Hi Mark,
If my board gets a different ip address the second time it starts I cant access it by the name.
Within start up I called:
after it gets an ip for the first time I get back the correct ip address returned from ping ser1234, for example
If I restart my board and it gets a different ip address it still comes back from the ping ser1234, the original ip, instead of the new ip, then times out, even if I call arp -d (does this just clear my PC arp table?)
If I wait a few minutes it does eventually come up with the correct address, but we need the correct ip as soon as it registers,this is our scenario. We ship our units out with a default ip of, and DHCP off. When they get it the first thing they do is switch it on, then setup the unit with various info, they then change to DHCP and restart the unit, and it now gets a new ip address. When they try a ping ser1234, it still comes up