Hello again.
I am sorry it's nearly been a little over a month since my last reply. There has been som urgent issues that I had to attend to instead of dealing with uTasker.
First I uninstalled VS 2008 and replaced it by Visual C++ 2005 express edition in the hope that this might solve the problem. I followed the instructions given by the FAQ concerning Visual C++ 2005 express edition and no problem there. I can compile and build, but the simulator still don't want to save to flash.
Then I followed the advise and debugged with a breakpoint at the beginning of the funktion fnSaveFlashToFile() in FileToDisk.c.
At the code line:
_sopen_s(&iFileIni, FLASH_FILE, (_O_BINARY | _O_TRUNC | _O_CREAT | _O_RDWR), 0, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
the debugger stops and a dialog box apears with the message: There is no source code available for the current location.
When I set a breakpoint below the above given code line, the breakpoint is never reached so the code is never executed.
I don't know what the problem might be. Any suggestions