I think there is a miner issue when u use the SAM7S series in combination with the uTasker.
You addapted the uTasker to work with this processor.
But the Peripherial indentifiers for the SAM7S series is lightly different of these of the SAM7SE and SAM7X.
So I added the PIDs for the SAM7S to the sam7x.h file. Now the clock is set correct.
I discovered the problem when using the SPI bus.
#define AIC_FIQ 0x00000001 // Advanced Interrupt Controller - fast external interrupt
#define SYSIRQ 0x00000002 //
#define PIOA 0x00000004 // Parallel Input/Output Controller A
#define ADC 0x00000010 // ADC Converter
#define SPI0 0x00000020 // Serial Peripheral Interface 0
#define USART0 0x00000040 // USART 0
#define USART1 0x00000080 // USART 1
#define SSC 0x00000100 // Synchronous Serial Controller
#define TWI 0x00000200 // Two Wire Interface (IIC)
#define PWMC 0x00000400 // Pulse Width Modulator Controller
#define UDP 0x00000800 // USB Device Port
#define TC0 0x00001000 // Timer Counter 0
#define TC1 0x00002000 // Timer Counter 1
#define TC2 0x00004000 // Timer Counter 2
// 15..29 reserved
#define AIC_IRQ0 0x40000000 // Advanced Interrupt Controller - external interrupt 0
#define AIC_IRQ1 0x80000000 // Advanced Interrupt Controller - external interrupt 1
Kind regards Tim