Hi, Mark.
I'm really puzzled. I've tried everything I can think of, including downloading and installing a new version of CW 7.0. I did this even though it was identical to the version I had already installed, just in case the installation program set some registry values or performed some other magic. I also used a new M52233DEMO board. As I said, I can successfully compile the code and erase and program the M52233 = the first 5 steps of your test. But when I run the debugger, it opens pointing at .debug_frame + 0x00000000, and nothing I can do will convince it to take even one step into the program. It's as though I have the wrong debugger or maybe the wrong linker. Or maybe some parameter file or initialization values are missing and the linker or debugger is defaulting to some bizarre values.
Here is what the debugger is pointing at:
00000000: 2000 move.l d0,d0
00000002: 8000 or.b d0,d0
00000004: 00000008 ori.b #0x8,d0
00000008: 46FC2700 move #9984,sr
0000000C: 203C20000000 move.l #536870912,d0
00000012: 068000000021 addi.l #33,d0
00000018: 4E7B0C05 movec d0,rambar1
0000001C: 2E7C20008000 movea.l #536903680,a7
00000022: 203C40000000 move.l #1073741824,d0
00000028: 068000000001 addi.l #1,d0
0000002E: 23C040000000 move.l d0,0x40000000 (0x40000000)
00000034: 203C00000161 move.l #353,d0
0000003A: 4E7B0C04 movec d0,rambar
0000003E: 4EB9000027BC jsr mcf52235_init (0x27bc) ; 0x000027bc
00000044: 4EB900000420 jsr main (0x420) ; 0x00000420
0000004A: 4E7B0801 movec d0,vbr
0000004E: 4E71 nop
00000050: 4E75 rts
By looking at startup.s, I see that it should be pointing at location 0x8 instead of 0x0. If I try to set the program counter to that value, I get debugger error 104101 that says "Could not get information on program counter register by name or generic ID. An error occurred while trying to write the register value."
Does this error when trying to change the program counter help in assessing possible problems?
I am now stuck. I don't even know what else to try. If I reach for straws, I wonder if it is possible that I have a file on my machine that interferes with the normal operation of CW 7.0 (but not CW 6.4, where I don't have these problems) or that I lack a crucial file that is on your machine.
Any thoughts?