Hi there,
I had some troubles getting the uTaskerSerialBoot to run on my FRDM-KL25Z. This is my first project with uTasker I would like to share the steps I've done so far:
1. Downloaded and installed KDS version 3.2
2. Downloaded and Unzip uTaskerKinetisV1.4.11
3. Followed the steps for KDS found here:
http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/compilers.html#KDS in getting the right project files.
- delete .settings folder and all .* files and copy the .settings and all .* files from \Applications\uTaskerV1.4\KinetisDesignStudio\Project_Settings
4. Import project into KDS
5. Change the Project settings for displaying the active files belonging to the project. Instructions found here:
http://www.utasker.com/forum/index.php?topic=1887.0 . This is very important step and missing from documentation. Also being new to Eclipse development type environment I was not aware of it.
6. In config.h I un-commented FRDM_KL25Z and commented FRDM_K64F.
7. Select cortex-m0plus is selected in Project Properties->Target Processor -> ARM family
8. Linker modified to: "${uTaskerLinkerScripts}/KL_128_16.ld"
9. Project Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Build Steps tab
add a quotation mark ( " ) character at the end of the command path
=> it will generate the .bin/.srec/.hex files
10. Triggered Built with option : uTaskerSerialLoader_FLASH
At the moment the on-board 3 colour LED is flashing GREEN and there is a serial communication via the Virtual COM port.
Many thanks for your time!