I can't seem to get the HS USB device to work on the FRDM-K66F board. I'm using the latest master branch from GitHub which was last updated May 6th with commit 768f306.
I enable USB and the CDC device, the code complies and I can load it but the board is stuck in a loop and seems to keep resetting. I see "Hello, world... KINETIS" repeating over and over on the UART. I was able to get debugging setup with the J-Link firmware. On line 188 in kinetis_USB_HS_Device.h when executing the fnEnterInterrupt function there is an irq_hard_fault thrown in that function (line 921 in kinetis.c). Then again on line 190 in kinetis_USB_HS_Device.h and again at line 191. I think that last one is where it gets stuck in a loop and then resets the program.
If I switch the device to run in FS mode, then there are no issue, but since there is no FS USB port on the FRDM-K66F I can't do any testing of if it actually works.
I'm not sure where to go from here to get this figured out.