I'm working with a KL_03 using the UART to transmit (no DMA, just base mode) and I am having issues. Is there anything I need to pay attention to in terms of UART Tx buffer size, baud rate, and transmission duration? Is there a correlation between them, such as a certain buffer size only works with some specific baud rates?
I have a task that runs periodically every few seconds, at each run I print UART messages of different lengths using fnDebugMsg():
1) some messages are cut or not printed completely
2) after some printouts the code stalls (I'm debugging it to understand if the problem is somewhere else or related to UART)
3) I use fnDelayLoop(x) after UART messages, but it looks like that it sometimes helps write more complete messages, other times it doesn't. I don't know how to choose the value for x
Thank you