I've been looking at the V2.0.0 µTasker code, and noticed that:
(a) the version of the CANopenNode code is quite old (2015 vs. the CANopenNode 4.0 code that is the current branch)
(b) the driver code appears to be taken from the MCF5282, but the guts of the actual driver code (in CO_driver.c) appears to be all or mostly disabled (CO_CANmodule_init, CO_CANsetConfigurationMode, CO_CANsetNormalMode, CO_CANverifyErrors, etc.).
The latest CANopenNode 4.0 branch cleans up the directory structure, and allows for using multiple object dictionaries if desired.
This can help sharing parts of the object dictionary between nodes that have to communicate but don't have identical object dictionaries.
I've been using the CANOpenEditor fork from
https://github.com/frabul/CANopenEditor.git, compiled in VS 2022 Community, and it's been quite stable.
My current project is actually using the CANopenNode object dictionary and editor, but not the whole CANopen stack (yet). However, it's likely that we will want to use the whole stack (and the CAN peripheral in the i.MXRT1020) within a year or so.
So I'd like to ask:
What is the current state of the CANopenNode code? Could it be updated to the 4.0 branch?
Is there likely to be a CAN driver for the i.MXRT family any time soon that would work with CANopenNode?