Hi Tim
I have to admit having some difficulties with debugging with Crossworks - I used 1.7 Build 7 (I think the newest that can be downloaded). My experience was like this:
- I could in fact download without any problems using the LM USB JTAG interface on-board.
- I could also download using Segger J-Link (I did have to load the newest DLL since the one I was otherwise using was a bit old...)
- I could also download using Rowley CrossConnect
- and I could also download using Olimex ARM-USB-ODC
So in fact I didn't have any downloading difficulties....
I could however only debug with Segger J-Link - the others would briefly connect and then lose connection, or give an error message about an error when reading from memory.
With the J-Link I could only debug when connecting after code was already running. Then everythng worked well. If I had to restart I found that I had to disconnect, power down the target, power up the target and reconnect and then everthing was fine again (until next reset). A reset alone just gave errors about not being able to read from memory.
I don't want to dwell on this because I can't be sure that it is not a local installation problem - I could work adequately to solve a few problems that I had when completing the Rowley GCC project. Working with IAR and the LM USB JTAG was fine - a little slow due to the interface and with Segger J-Link also no problems.
I didn't see the error with the memory map file but you could check target processor setting: Build Options -> Target Processor. There is a list of Luminary devices displayed - I believe the LM3S6965 is set - and I don't know how critical this actually is. Have you also installed the Luminary BSP from Rowley?