Hi, Mark
I cant communicate from the network...
I couldn't debug it using CW, I have a microbdm12s but i couldnt make it work either...In fact, I have never been able to debug this board before, all I did was sending some characters through serial port and hundreds of fbulk-fload, but it was a custom code which have a giant main module, it is also based on uIP, but I am having some problems with it, so I thought I should use a stable IP stack...In short I cant say it crashes, and if it crashes, where...
I also had the auto-negotiation problem with my old program, so I already changed it. I didnt look much into uTasker code, I just changed ip settings,run the simulator(it runs perfect) and made a GNU build from Visual Studio 6,and loaded it...
I will look into the LED thing tomorrow...
All the people on this forum seem to use en eval board, so I asked if anybody had a similar experince with Adapt9s12NE...
I will ask for more help tomorrow when I go to work with details

Thanks in advance...