Author Topic: Debounce  (Read 15008 times)

Offline rnardone

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« on: November 20, 2008, 03:05:10 PM »
Hi Mark,

   Any suggestions for how to best handle debounce on the interrupt test that works off of SW1?  I can get a couple of the test messages from one press of SW1.


Offline mark

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Re: Debounce
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2008, 07:24:47 PM »

The Interrupts are presently configured so that they cause interrupts on every event. This means that a switch can generate multiple edges and so multiple interrupts. They are however suited to interrupt use where the source is a logic device.

I am wondering whether a single shot configuration may also be useful as possible configuration...

You could try a quick solution to debouncing as follows:

1. Disable the interrupt in the handler and start a debounce timer

static void test_irq_1(void)
    unsigned char ucIRQ_bit = 1;
    EPIER0 &= ~(0x01 << ucIRQ_bit);                                      // disable interrupts
    uTaskerMonoTimer( OWN_TASK, (DELAY_LIMIT)(0.05 * SEC), E_DEBOUNCE );

    fnInterruptMessage(OWN_TASK, IRQ1_EVENT);

2. You will need to add the event define
#define E_DEBOUNCE                 39

3. Then handle the timer to re-enable the interrupt:

        case TIMER_EVENT:
            else if (E_DEBOUNCE == ucInputMessage[MSG_TIMER_EVENT]) {
                unsigned char ucIRQ_bit = 1;
                EPFR0 = (0x01 << ucIRQ_bit);                             // clear pending interrupts
                EPIER0 |= (0x01 << ucIRQ_bit);                           // enable interrupt after debounce time

This should then debounce the input for your tests and you can simply adjust the debounce time up to very long values.

In fact, due to the general problem with debouncing switches it is often preferential to poll them (especially in case of a key pad with lots of inputs) since the polling rate also acts as a form of debounce filtering.

