Sorry for this follow-up but I'm really upset. Please help.
Situation (listed above, but more precise):
Hardware: LPC2378STK(USB powered) + J-Link + IAR.
Firmware: Any. (In particular, say uip_webserver or LCD_demo)
After "Project Download and Debug" (Run to main, Hardware reset NXP/LPC) I
* in the debugger window view Ethernet MAC registers - all OK
* in the debugger "Control block regs" window set PCONP.PCENET=1 manually (switch power On)
* go back to the Ethernet MAC registers registers: spoiled contents (many dashes etc.)
All this I do/see without program start.
Any ideas what could it be? Where to look?
What I did:
0) Read LPC2378 datasheet, UM, errata, forums (continue to) .. didn't help yet.
1) if I run uip_webserver it seems to work OK , but if I set a breakpoint there where PCONP.PCENET is set to "1", I see the same problem. IAR reset (program restart) doesn't help (J-link fail to halt ARM core, etc). Debugger restart helps. Hardware reset button helps too.
2) I measured JTAG signals and LPC2378 power. All seem OK: signals within 3.3v limits, 3v3 and 1v8 power OK and stable.
3) measured 5v board supply current: 250mA, increases to 255mA if I switch EMAC power (make PCENET=1). Not too bad.
4) added 2uF cercap to 1.8V core supply. Nothing changed.
5) wrote this message... HTH