Author Topic: demo bin file not working with LM3s6i965-rec board  (Read 14024 times)

Offline suhas

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demo bin file not working with LM3s6i965-rec board
« on: October 08, 2009, 07:09:51 AM »
Hi all

i am using LM3s6i965-rec board , i download demo bin file for same board from utasker website and burn in the board but after burning nothing will happen means code is not working so what should i do?


Offline mhoneywill

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Re: demo bin file not working with LM3s6i965-rec board
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 12:56:06 PM »
Hi Suhas,

Does the status light on the board flash, that means the code is running.

The display will not show anything as the demo was built with uTasker V1.3 which does not support graphics displays, V1.4 does though.

When you connect an Ethernet cable does the Link light light on your computer?

Is the network adapter on your computer that is connected to the LM3S6965 setup for an IP address of 192.168.0.x where x is any number that is not 3 which is the static IP address of the demo board. Note on Windows XP you can setup multiple IP addresses for a single Network adapter by going to the TCPIP properties and pressing the advanced button, then adding another IP address.

Once the IP address is setup on your PC, can you PING the card type PING at a command prompt, do you get a reply?

Next if you try and browse to do you get an orange page with a 404 file not found message?

If this happens then try uploading the web pages that are avaliable on the uTasker download page (where you downloaded the demo).
I've attached those files to this email along with a batch file to upload them (From Mark) just unzip the attached file and run copy_all.bat

Once you've done the above, you can refresh the web page and you should see something.

Good luck with this and if the above doesn't work, please indicate the point your reached in the above instructions.



Offline suhas

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Re: demo bin file not working with LM3s6i965-rec board
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 07:56:39 PM »
Thanks for  your help
But i am getting problem when i trying to burn ic , i am not able to burn the code fully after  7%  burning process get stuck and error popup  . i am using LM flash programmer for that
And i also tried utasker  source code for same board in this case after compiling and file burn successfully but nothing working , not status led also     

Offline mhoneywill

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Re: demo bin file not working with LM3s6i965-rec board
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2009, 07:55:02 AM »
Hi Suhas,

Make sure you are using the latest version of the Luminary Downloader, there were problems with earlier versions. I'm using build 776 of the Luminary downloader and that works for me.

see this posting

I think thats your problem.



Offline suhas

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Re: demo bin file not working with LM3s6i965-rec board
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2009, 09:56:05 AM »
Hi Martin
Thnaks now its working ,problem is with downloader only