I suspect this problem is arising from something strange that i have modified in my code that the comiler is not handling very well.
When i compile, the errors message screen shows:
could not find or load the file "uTasker_full.elf" for target "M52235EVB_ROM" for project "uTaskerV1.3.mcp"
Has anyone come across this happening?
Is it not the compiler/linker that actually create the elf & map files?
The error screen doesn't give me any clues as to what it was that i did that stuffed it up.
I've found i think that the compiler error message screen shows me a bunch of errors i have to fix up but if i then press the make button again, that is when it shows no erros except for this missing elf file message
Before i started modding code, it wasn't happening. There were a bunch of compiler error messages but none of them were to do with missing elf files.
Any insights/comments are welcome
John Dowdell