Author Topic: Emulator AVR32 running very unstable. ping works, HP and ftp doesen't  (Read 15838 times)

Offline sloell

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I work on the AVR32 EVK1105 board and because I'm very eager to see results I downloaded the precompiled uTaskerV1.4 binary into my board. It behaves very strange and not at all as expected and described in the uTaskerV1-4_AVR32.pdf uTasker Document Tutorial.

In order to make things work I started all over and read the document from its beginning, which resulted in installation and running the uTasker V1.4 Simulator.
All steps works flaveless untill step 8 where the website should be loaded.

I tried to install the simulator on 2 different PCs with same result. Most of the times PING is working fine. Sometimes some packets are lost but they recover again on a second try.
I succeded in loading an empty website 1 time, but never again even if I didn't change anything.
I also tried to load the website files (html) via the Copy_all.bat file. This worked fine a 1 time from one PC to another but didn't work the other way around.
My 2 PCs are given IP address: and MAC addresses are changed from to different numbers: 00.0B.E4.BA.E2.FB and 00.0B.

In order to have full control of my LAN network I run the entire system on an isolated D-LINK router where DHCP is configured to give - Gateway has

I would gladly give access to my PC for remote support or make screen shots of my settings if it can be any help.

Next step after this problem is fixed is to look at why the HW binary file example doesn't run on my target as expected, but one thing at a time.


Offline mark

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Re: Emulator AVR32 running very unstable. ping works, HP and ftp doesen't
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 02:58:53 PM »
Hi Simon

I just looked at the binary in \Applications\uTaskerV1.4\GNU_AVR32uTaskerV1.4.bin and it is 16k in size.
Compared to a binary in my working project directory, 58k in size, it does seem to be a very stripped down version and so I suggest loading the reference on the SW demo page: (I just updated this so that it includes the standard web support and also allows bit maps to be copied to the display on the board). This should ensure that you have a correct reference.

As to the simulator problems - I have never heard of PCs only partly working before. Either there is a problem that the NIC is not correctly configured (and nothing works) or it is correct and then it is reliable. Can you make some recordings (use one PC connected to a network with nothing else connected to it - just the PC to a switch or hub, etc., which is adequate for the simulator to run). The ping the simulated device from the same PC and record what happens using WireShark. It should give 100% ping answers - if not some investigation will be required.

