I wanted to test ppp.c
I set DEMO_UART either to 2 or 3
Then I got some stop when I put some breakpoint either on
static __interrupt void SCI2_Interrupt(void)
or on
static __interrupt void SCI3_Interrupt(void)
So my hardware is working and I can use both UART....
Now I define USE_PPP
and set PPP_UART to 2 to test the PPP part....
I got an error because DCE_MODE is not defined on
tInterfaceParameters.Config = (CHAR_8 + NO_PARITY + ONE_STOP /*+ USE_XON_OFF*/ + CHAR_MODE + DCE_MODE);
I suppressed it(DCE_MODE) to compile with no error...
The problem is that I never got an interruption on
static __interrupt void SCI2_Interrupt(void) !!!
When I look at the definition of UART2 and UART3 , they are identical except baudrate : Normal !
One gave interrupts, not the other : do you have an idea why there was no breakpoint stop on the corresponding interrupt, when defined by PPP.
PS: I checked the Vector Interrupt Controller and saw both UART2 and UART3 were enabled : Normal !