Starting the µTasker FTP server

void fnStartFtp(unsigned short usFTPTimeout, unsigned char ucFTP_operating_mode);

usFTPTimeout is the FTP connection idle timeout period in seconds. This allows a period of 1 to 65'534s (18.2 hours) to be specified. 0xffff (INFINITE_TIMEOUT) will set an infinite time (no timeout).
The value 0 should not be used!

ucFTP_operating_mode supports the following values

  • FTP_AUTHENTICATE {require authentication rather than accepting anonymous login - requires project option FTP_USER_LOGIN}
  • 0 {accept anonymous login}

  • fnStartFtp is called to start the µTasker FTP server. The FTP server will listen on port 21 (FTP_CONTROL_PORT).

    The function doesn't return a result since it will always start the server as long as a there exists a free TCP socket in the TCP socket pool [2 sockets are always automatically reserved for FTP use {control and data sockets} - see #define FTP_SOCKETS 2 in config.h]. If the server has already been started previously a second start will be ignored and thus disturb.

    Project options

    The following defines can be set on a project basis (config.h) to configure the capabilities of the FTP server:

  • FILE_NAMES_PER_FTP_FRAME 6 {limit size of buffers required to display files to this many names (remove to use maximum possible)}
  • FTP_SOCKETS 2 {reserve 2 TCP sockets for command and data}
  • FTP_SUPPORTS_NAME_DISPLAY {show details of files in client}
  • FTP_SUPPORTS_DELETE {enable delete of files via FTP (overwrites are still possible without this)}
  • FTP_SUPPORTS_DOWNLOAD {support read of files via FTP (uploads are still possible without this)}
  • FTP_VERIFY_DATA_PORT {check for valid data port when in active mode (avoid accepting DOS FTP IP 0,0,0,0 on port 0)}
  • FTP_PASV_SUPPORT {allow passive mode of operation (otherwise only active)}
  • FTP_WILDCARD_DEL {*.* deletes complete file system content}
  • DATA_PORT_TRIGGERS_CONTROL {activity on the FTP data port resets the control port TCP idle timer - stops control connection timing out on large data transfers with short idle time value}
  • FTP_USER_LOGIN {enable authentication login support}

  • Examples

    fnStartFtp((2*60), 0); // start FTP server with amonymous login and idle timeout of 2 minutes

    fnStartFtp(INFINITE_TIMEOUT, FTP_AUTHENTICATE); // start FTP server with no idle timeout and require user authentication

    Related functions


    For more details about the use of the µTasker FTP server see the document µTasker FTP.

    Please use the µTasker forum to ask specific questions.