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« on: July 11, 2023, 09:30:29 PM »
The i.MX RT 10xx includes a temperature monitor module (TEMPMON) that allows interrupts to be generated if the core temperature exceeds two programmable high temperature levels or falls below a low programmable lower limit level.

Software can also read the present die temperature at any time.

In order for it to work correctly it needs the bandgap reference to be enabled, plus the 480MHz PLL and the 32kHz RTC modules to be operating.

The temperature monitor is factory calibrated and the calibration values can be read from the HW_OCOTP_ANA1 registers. These are used by software to extrapolate the temperature and also to correctly set temperature limits.

The support in the µTasker project is enabled with the define SUPPORT_TEMPMON which adds an interface to read the core temperature via the ADC API in a compatible manner for projects that also run on processors that use ADC based temperature reading.

An example of reading the temperature periodically can be activated in ADC_Timers.h by activating the define ADC_INTERNAL_TEMPERATURE when using the ADC reference. For compatibility the ADC API is used with the input set to

adc_setup.int_adc_bit = ADC_TEMP_SENSOR; // ADC internal temperature

which is how ADC based temperature reading is performed.

Although there is no interrupt generated when the measurement has completed such an interrupt is emulated so that applications remain compatible. The only difference is that the result returned when collecting the value is in °C x 100 (allowing hundredth of degree resolution) and not the raw ADC value itself. Therefore the only modification at the application level is to remove any HW specific conversion that may originally have been performed and use the result directly (or after modification to the desired form). The following shows retrieving and rounding to 1°C resolution:

Code: [Select]
ADC_SETUP adc_setup; // interrupt configuration parameters
ADC_RESULTS results;
adc_setup.int_type = ADC_INTERRUPT; // identifier
adc_setup.int_adc_mode = (ADC_READ_ONLY | ADC_GET_RESULT);
adc_setup.int_adc_controller = 0;
adc_setup.int_adc_result = &results;
fnConfigureInterrupt((void *)&adc_setup);
results.sADC_value[0] += 50;
results.sADC_value[0] /= 100; // the approximate temperature
rounded up/down to 1°C
fnDebugDec(results.sADC_value[0], DISPLAY_NEGATIVE);
fnDebugMsg(" degC\r\n");

In this particular case the conversion was started previously and it shows just the subsequent retrieval. The conversion was started using the standard API for the ADC with the ADC_TEMP_SENSOR defined as input. When multiple ADC controllers are implemented in the i.MX RT the same one should be referenced for the conversion and retrieval, although there is only one TEMPMON module shared by both and the ADC controller is not actually used.

NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: Closing and reopening handles
« on: June 21, 2023, 03:24:47 PM »
Hi Neil

You can call with the ucDriverMode set to MODIFY_CONFIG is you want to change the UART settings (such as the baud rate).

The UART doesn't support close and re-open since this is something that is never (up to now) needed in an embedded system. It would be possible since the driver handles a close but it would require the UART's memory management to be changed to use dynamic heap (such as when the buffer sizes need to change) rather than uMalloc() as it presently uses.

If you want to stop the UART for some time you can also do

fnDriver( GSMPortID, ( TX_OFF | RX_OFF ), 0 );

and then later re-enable it with

fnDriver( GSMPortID, ( TX_ON | RX_ON ), 0 );



Hi Alex

If you look in app_hw_stm32.h there are some setups for SDHC and SPI interfaces.

For example:

Code: [Select]
                // Configure to suit SD card SPI mode at between 100k and 400k
                #define SDCARD_CS                  PORTC_BIT11
                #define SDCARD_MISO                PORTB_BIT4
                #define SDCARD_MOSI                PORTB_BIT5
                #define SDCARD_CLK                 PORTB_BIT3
                        POWER_UP(APB1, RCC_APB1ENR_SPI3EN); \
                        SPI3_CR1 = (SPICR1_BR_PCLK2_DIV128 | SPICR1_MSTR | SPICR1_SSI | SPICR1_CPOL | SPICR1_CPHA | SPICR1_SSM); \
                        SPI3_I2SCFGR = 0; \
                        SPI3_CR1 = (SPICR1_SPE | SPICR1_BR_PCLK2_DIV128 | SPICR1_MSTR | SPICR1_SSI | SPICR1_CPOL | SPICR1_CPHA | SPICR1_SSM);

                #define SHARE_SPI                                        // ensure that LCD operations are terminated to avoid conflicts
                #define POWER_UP_SD_CARD()                               // apply power to the SD card if appropriate
                #define ENABLE_SPI_SD_OPERATION()
                // Set maximum speed
                #if defined _WINDOWS
                    #define WRITE_SPI_CMD(byte)      SPI3_DR = (unsigned short)byte; SPI3_DR = _fnSimSD_write((unsigned char)byte)
                    #define WAIT_TRANSMISSON_END()   while ((SPI3_SR & SPISR_TXE) == 0) { SPI3_SR |= SPISR_TXE;} \
                                                     while (SPI3_SR & SPISR_BSY) {SPI3_SR &= ~SPISR_BSY;}
                    #define WRITE_SPI_CMD(byte)      SPI3_DR = (unsigned short)byte
                    #define WAIT_TRANSMISSON_END()   while ((SPI3_SR & SPISR_TXE) == 0) {} \
                                                     while (SPI3_SR & SPISR_BSY)
                #define READ_SPI_DATA()              (unsigned char)SPI3_DR

                #define SET_SD_DI_CS_HIGH()           _CONFIG_PORT_OUTPUT(C, SDCARD_MISO, (OUTPUT_FAST | OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL)); _SETBITS(C, SDCARD_MISO); _SETBITS(C, SDCARD_CS) // force DI and CS lines high ready for the initialisation sequence
                #define SET_SD_CARD_MODE()            _CONFIG_PORT_INPUT(C, (SDCARD_MISO), (INPUT_PULL_UP | PULLUP_BIT11));
                #define SET_SD_CS_LOW()               _CLEARBITS(C, SDCARD_CS) // assert the CS line of the SD card to be read
                #define SET_SD_CS_HIGH()              _SETBITS(C, SDCARD_CS) // negate the CS line of the SD card to be read

Using this as reference you can adapt the SPI instance and pins to match your HW.



Hi Ray

I am please that you managed to catch the issue.



Hi Ray

don't forget that the PHY has an address that is set via straps. Make sure that its address matches PHY_ADDRESS.
Or you can try SCAN_PHY_ADD which will scan all possible addresses to see whether the ID can be read on one of them.

Good luck



Hi Ray

In kinetis.c

/* =================================================================== */
/*                          Ethernet Controller                        */
/* =================================================================== */
    #include "kinetis_ENET.h"                                            // include Ethernet controller hardware driver code

It is not possible to include it from a header file since it contains code and then the code would be included in multiple locations.

VS normally handles highlighting well. Try a clean/rebuild which may sort it out.




If you have code that may take a long time and causes a SW WDOG timeout (but not due to an error, as such) you can increase the watchdog value in (for example the i.MX RT project)

#define ACTIVATE_WATCHDOG()     UNLOCK_WDOG3(); WDOG3_TOVAL = (2 * 32000); WDOG3_WIN = 0; WDOG3_CS = (WDOG_CS_CLK_LPO | WDOG_CS_FLG | WDOG_CS_CMD32EN | WDOG_CS_EN); // enable watchdog with 2s timeout (32kHz reference)

or add re-triggers in the code [fnRetriggerWatchdog()].

To identify the location you can add a HW timer (single-shot that can be re-triggered) configured to a slightly lower timeout than the watchdog timeout.
Add a re-trigger of it to the macro
Code: [Select]
and set a break point in its interrupt handler.

If this interrupt fires you can look to see which code is executing (step out of the interrupt or look at the call stack).



Hi Ray

I don't think there is anything in the newer GCC versions that are greatly beneficial and older ones work fine:
Maybe there are some better warning messages in newer ones (pointing out potential code issues) but these are not critical.



Hi All

With the release of NXP's MCUXpresso V11.5, which is supplied with a newer version of the GCC tool chain, i.MX RT projects could no longer be build due to an incompatibility in the linker scripts.
Interestingly this however didn't affect Kinetis projects, where the same incompatibility was not experienced.

Originally attempts were made to identify what had changed and work around it but this proved to be a dead-end and so finally a new linker script was generated using the NXP SDK and then adapted to suit the uTasker code (such as inserting the same variable section references so that the initialisation code didn't need to be modified).

The result is that by swapping out original linker scripts against newer ones projects can be built with MCUXpresso versions pre-V11.5 and post.

At this time there are still some linker scripts to be adapted and tested but for the main usage I have attached the ones that can already be used (later they will be checked into the repository for general use)

- iMX_RT_10XX_FlexSPI_NOR.ld   This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and allows the primary loader to be built for i.MX RT 10xx parts (excluding the i.MX RT 1064)

- iMX_RT_1064_FlexSPI_NOR.ld. This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and allows the primary loader to be built for  the i.MX RT 1064

- iMX_RT_10XX_FlexSPI_NOR_BOOT.ld. This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerSerialBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and also to \Applications\uTaskerV1.4\GNU_iMX and allows the secondary loaders and application to be built for i.MX RT 10xx parts operating in RAM (the main operation configuration and always used by the serial loaders).

- iMX_RT_10XX_SDP_Boot.ld. This can be saved to \Applications\uTaskerSerialBoot\GNU_iMX (overwriting the original) and allows serial download protocol images for i.MX RT 10xx parts. This tends to be built in parallel with the serial loader and so, even if the SDP outputs are never used, it will stop the build failing.




The 0.65mm pitch part is designed/intended for 4 layer boards and the NXP EVKs are 4-layer designs allowing all pins to be used and also (according to them) passes FCC tests.

The only drawback is that some room around the device is needed for fan-out of the signal lines when many are used and when some GPIOs are not needed that means that it can be packed tighter together. See the attached screen shot of the chip on the NXP layout.  6-layer board would probably alleviate this.

NXP also has a detailed design guide at "i.MX RT Hardware Development Guide for the MIMXRT1050/MIMXRT1060 Processor" - requires a log-in.

It is undeniable that more board layers and working with finer pitches and smaller holes will increase the price of a PCB and it is up to the designer to decide on such tradeoffs. However, in comparison to a K66, which - if it can be found and purchased at its normal price - tends to be much more expensive than an i.MX RT 10xx - maybe in the order of $10..15 and, coupled with much more peripherals and performance even paying more for a PCB should result in a cheaper (and potentially) better product.

I have also attached a screen shot of one of my designs where I use 77 ports/GPIO plus 1 x USB.



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: RT1064, boot from SD.
« on: March 08, 2023, 06:31:48 PM »

If there were no QSPI flash the only loader available is the ROM loader, which can boot from SD cards but is not necessarily a very good choice since SD cards are unreliable in comparison to QSPI flash and if the card fails, is corrupted or is removed the board can't do anything.

It is possible for the uTasker boot loader to also load directly from SD card to RAM or SDRAM but, due to the above, I would never recommend it for an embedded system - plus why use an expensive (heat sensitive) SD card to hold a small program when a cheap ($0.50) QSPI flash can do it better? [Since a 1064 has this inside anyway it would make even less sense]

I don't know why there is a limit in ITC size in the article but that may be the ROM loader's limitation (unless eFUSEs are set possibly to change the configuration, which cannot be changed back again...!). The uTasker loader (running in the first blocks of QSPI flash) is limited to the chip's 512k ITC (since it can dynamically configure this according to the code's requirement) or much larger in SDRAM (or much larger in QSPI flash).

As noted in the article it is cool to boot from an SD card directly (without any need for QSPI flash) but whether it makes real sense in a real -world embedded system is highly unlikely.



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: RT1064, boot from SD.
« on: March 08, 2023, 02:04:31 PM »

The standard SD card boot loader method is to have he new image on the card and load it to QSPI flash (and delete the SD card image after successful transfer).
At each subsequent boot there are three possibilities:
- copy the code from encrypted QSPI flash to ITC RAM and run it there (fastest operation)
- copy the code from encrypted QSPI flash to SRAM and run it there (second fastest operation but operation s no longer encrypted since the SDRAM operation can be observed)
- Run the code in place in QSPI Flash (XiP) or XiP-BEE (on the fly decryption). XiP is (depending on caching) up to 20x slower that running from ITC and less deterministic since the speed depends on caching so can change) -  XiP BEE is a bit slower again (about 30% I have heard). When the QSPI Flash in internal to the chip (RT1064) it is protected and possibly there is no advantage of using XiP BEE for code protection.

ITC + DTC is limited to the FlexRAM size of the chip. RT105x/6x have 512k so programs up to about 512k would be possible (as long as data is located in SDRAM or 512k OTCRAM2 (in 106x)

Large QSPI Flash are available so program size shouldn't generally be an issue (except for RT1064 where it is fixed at 4MBytes) and SDRAM loses code protection so is not always the best choice.



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: uTasker for Kinetis MK64
« on: March 08, 2023, 01:53:40 PM »

Booting (or boot loading) from an SD card is possible and the card can be used for other storage too.
RT1062s are 0.65mm pitch. Since PCB hole sizes are a little smaller the PCB can be more expensive (about +20%) but the 0.8mm BGA is in fact a more expensive part and they tend to cancel each other out and results in smaller possible boards. Soldering of 0.65mm pitch is no problem since the chips align themselves when the solder is molten so I don't think it is a factor to consider.



Hi All

Note that the chip shortage has resulted in the uTasker project investing in the following chips, which are reserved for uTasker users and available at reduced prices (in comparison to distributors):

IMXRT1062DVL6B - commercial
IMXRT1062CVL5B  - industrial

These are 10mmx10mm 196 pin BGA with full features (2 x Ethernet, 2 x USB ,1Meg RAM, TFT display interface) and footprint compatible (and code 99% compatible) with i.MX RT 1051/52/61/62 and are useful for porting Kinetis projects to (they can also be used in place of i.MX RT 1064 as long as there is a QSPI flash connected)). With 600MHz zero wait state operation (up to 1.2G instructions per second) they are FAST as well. As well as having very high compatibility with Kinetis the uTasker project makes it simple to port from Kinetis projects and, with the chip stock, can ensure that supplies are immediately available when needed (some parts still have over a year delivery time otherwise).

The small BGA was chosen after experimentation with soldering (also hand soldering) and layout with 4-layer boards. Reference designs and guidance is thus available for those unsure about using BGAs, whereby it can be stated that they are not as difficult to work with as initially feared and result in small, reliable circuity.

There are good stocks available for immediate delivery or reservation, whereby each new project can order/reserve up to 1'200 pieces at the moment. (Quantities of up to 10'000 are possible for immediate delivery but only under exceptional circumstances since it is preferred to supply as many new projects as possible).



NXPTM M522XX, KINETIS and i.MX RT / Re: uTasker for Kinetis MK64
« on: March 07, 2023, 07:50:48 PM »

K66 is still a big problem and I don't know where to obtain them from apart from some brokers, although they can charge up to $900 for each chip it seems. In addition I have had a case where the chip was not the one written on the package but a similar one without Ethernet inside, so it is a risk too!

The uTasker serial loader for iMXRT can be encrypted (and clone protected) with almost zero effort. There are guides and videos at
The uTasker project includes all encrypting tools so it is much simpler than the NXP method (which is a one-time usable key method). The key used in every chip is different (randomly generated) and doesn't need to be known/managed by the user. It won't interfere with the NXP encryption method if that were used on the same chip and the HW can be reused with different projects since the project key is still replaceable.
Each time the uTasker reference project is build it automatically generates plain code and encrypted outputs (you can simply tell it which project key you want to use to personalise it) and so there is almost no effort involved.

Note that the chip shortage has resulted in the uTasker project investing in the following chips, which are reserved for uTasker users and available at reduced prices (in comparison to distributors):

IMXRT1062DVL6B - commercial
IMXRT1062CVL5B  - industrial

These are 10mmx10mm 196 pin BGA with full features (2 x Ethernet, 2 x USB ,1Meg RAM, TFT display interface) and footprint compatible (and code 99% compatible) with i.MX RT 1051/52/61/62 and are useful for porting Kinetis projects to (they can also be used in place of i.MX RT 1064 as long as there is a QSPI flash connected)). With 600MHz zero wait state operation (up to 1.2G instructions per second) they are FAST as well. As well as having very high compatibility with Kinetis the uTasker project makes it simple to port from Kinetis projects and, with the chip stock, can ensure that supplies are immediately available when needed (some parts still have over a year delivery time otherwise).

There are good stocks available for immediate delivery or reservation, whereby each new project can order/reserve up to 1'200 pieces at the moment. (Quantities of up to 10'000 are possible for immediate delivery but only under exceptional circumstances since it is preferred to supply as many new projects as possible).



P.S. The encryption used on the SD card is compatible with the boot loader encryption and is there is no conflict. The encrypted SD card content is simply copied and store in the QSPI flash in the same format.

P.P.S. I will make a post repeating the 1062 details since it hasn't generally been advertised here before.

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