Author Topic: SP7 errors  (Read 10562 times)

Offline rad

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SP7 errors
« on: May 16, 2008, 12:54:38 PM »
Hi Mark,

I tried create new connection in CW and I got some errors, like expression syntax error. I try  create socket in the applications.c so I hope there is everything already inicialized. fnTestSocket() I put at the end of application.c, what is wrong? Probably I put it in the wrong location? I also forgott declare USOCKET Test_socket..

next I found out that I use sp4, so I dowload sp7 and install it, but VS2005 profesional says 12 errors and or warnings(for example DynamicCnt : is not a member of ´stHTTP´). I try install it on 2 pcs (one with XP and second one with W2000) and both gave the same result. Note I install uTaskerV1.3.0_M5223X_sp7 and uTaskerV1.3.0_M5223X. I also checked precompiller setting in VS, project, properties, and all seems to be ok (its defined for M5223X). When I use sp4 I get no error.

Another interesting thing..I couldnt get any connection (or ping) at the W2000 pc, if I use simulator (sp4, fresh installed- the same situation with XP is without problem)..Its different network (my pc has IP and there is used DHCP server. I dont know why but I have many problems with network settings in W2000 enviroments..for example I cannot print at the network printer from W2000 but form other systems with no problem (no matter if its W98, XP or so), so I expect I make some big mistake with W2000:)

And last question- Freescale relased new slower M52232 and M52236 micros. Can I use this ones with uTasker? It seems to be good alternative, because they are about half price of others.

Thank You, Regards, Rad

Offline mark

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Re: SP7 errors
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 01:26:47 PM »
Hi Rad

When moving from SP4 to SP7 there are probably a few configurations which need to be modified. If you look in the release notes to the last service pack you will see all important changes and a few notes about additional defines which should be added to ensure compatibility. You will also find a reference configuration file in \Applications\uTaskerV1.3 called config_ref_m5223X_sp7.h. This is the configuration used to test the service pack release - you can rename it to config.h to reproduce the tested build and/or use it as reference for adapting your own configuration. This should then enable you to solve any compilation errors.

The compiler errors you show below seen to be due to incorrect declaration of your variable ucMyIP[]. This has to be declared earlier on in the code (just after the last open bracket) and is not allowed to be declared in the middle of the code.

I can't comment on the W2000 problems - I would ensure that everything first works in the standard network and then analyse the operation in the W2000 network using Ethereal/WireShark - you may find that there is an IP configuration problem somewhere.

The M52232 and M52236 are very interesting processors due to their very good price. Used together with a cheap external SPI FLASH they enable powerful and still cheap devices to be built with good functionality; large web servers and Ethernet based firmware upload. In SP7 the set up of the PLL has been made more flexible and so the only thing you need to do to use these types is to match the speed in app_hw_m5223x.h [#define PLL_MUL   10 instead of 12 to get 50MHz - if there is an invalid setting made, the compiler checks will generate errors so nothing can go wrong! The simulator will also display the actual CPU speed which has been configured].

Depending one exact packaging used this can be configured with CHIP_64_PIN, CHIP_80_PIN etc. app_hw_m5223x.h so that the available pins can be checked in the simulator. See the following for an overview of the different chips that the SP7 supports, with a simple comparison of features:

Note that there are a lot of people moving to the chips that you mention - they make the Coldfire VERY attractive!!



Offline rad

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Re: SP7 errors
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2008, 11:34:36 AM »
Hi Mark,

thank You for Your answer, Its really helpfull, I managed to work SP7 quite quickly. The problem with W2000 wasnt windows problem, but My mistake..I forgott set lan setting in the simulator (I didnt choose proper lan card:-)) so now its working at both PCs.

Anyway According to Me, Your simulator will save much more than 50 percent of develop time..From begining I didnt belive, it can be usefull but now I use My M52233DEMO just for connecting PC to the net (I havent any other lan connection at home) and for final testing. Your simulator is incredible comfortable and realistic, Its really good work!

Regards, Rad

Offline mark

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Re: SP7 errors
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2008, 11:16:35 PM »
Hi Rad

I have added more detail about the SP7 compatibility with the original config.h here:

