µTasker Forum > utFAT

Files saved on SD card dont show on PC

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That is it - there is a problem when LFN is disabled resulting in the problem that you had that PCs can't read the data.

It looks like you will need to move to my working version, where I just corrected it.
I am a little wary though due to the fact that it contains various new support (extensions for memory sicks and multiple disks of various kinds), therefore I will send you first just the latest version of _utOpenDirectory() where the error was being made.
It does have some additional improvement to allow the SFN mode to reuse deleted directory space but I don't think that that will be a big risk.

Please check the code that I send as email to verify that it drops in to your version without any problems.
Assuming all is OK remember also that your present SD cards (with data) will in fact not be compatible with the corrected version!



Hi Mark,
  I copied across the utOpenDirectory() routine only, and all works well. I commented out the UTFAT_LFN_READ , which as you previously mentioned disables the LFN. I ran my own project for a while and was  fine, and was able to see the files that were created using the Dir command. The managed code works fine too, so all looks good.  I havent tried looking at it on the PC yet (still working from home), but will be in the office tomorrow  so will give it a try , and will let you know how I get on.

Thanks again for all your help



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