Hi Mark,
I cant seem to get this to work. I have UART1 setup and have a logic analyser on the TX pin which is triggered on a High->Low transaction. I simply want to create a break for x-milliseconds, then switch off. I know I have set the port up okay, as when I press a button on my board it sends out a letter 'N' on the com port, which my logic analyser detects. I have removed the sending of the letter 'N' and done the following:
//within m5223x.h
//within my code..
SerialChannel=1; //com serial channel
but after doing the above, the tx line doesnt change.
I am attempting to do the following:
fnStartBreak(1); //set break , tx pin low.
wait 20ms
fnStartBreak(0); //set tx back high again, and wakes up sensor..
wait 20ms
Send tx commands now that the sensor is awake.
I have just tried sending 1 character, then fnStartBreak(1), and this works, but, it sends the break after a character is sent. I have to send a break on its own, then reset it.