Thanks Mark for giving a reply,
Actually we are working on Two project , out of two one have lower version (1U RTU )and anther have Higher version (3U RTU ), out of then Sdcard works properly in lower version which is consume less memory compare to 3U RTU. and in 3U RTU doesn't work means it initialize proper but at opening file or creating directory it create TIMEOUT !!! error continually so I am sending .map of my 3 U RTU's and also sending file for app_hw_lpc23xx.h ,CONFIG.H ,DEBUG.C ,LPC23XX.C , LPC23XX.H ,Lpc23xx_keil.s , TaskConfig.h so can please so map file and tell me how much memory should be need for Sdcard?. you can also find no of task from Taskconfig.h file. And if you need any help them write me on this mail ID.
Thank you
Manish Dabhi
Sr. Embedded Software Engg.