(Should I be adding to the pinned TCP topic?)
I'm trying to create a TCP client and send data. I can connect, and the first packet gets through, but then the second packet is tagged as "TCP Out-of-Order" by Wireshark and is apparently not received by the server. The basic intention is to make what is essentially a serial-to-ethernet converter. The serial receive routines gather together a whole message and call "as_send" below. It is NOT called from the callback function since it's not being sent as the response to a server message. Is that the key? The callback function is the fnTestListener from your TCP thread except the TCP_EVENT_DATA case just prints out the fact that data has been received (so then it falls through and returns APP_ACCEPT).
I've attached the Wireshark log... uTasker client is trying to send a 32 byte packet to
typedef struct stTCP_MESSAGE
TCP_HEADER tTCP_Header; // reserve header space
int as_send(int as_index, const void *msg, size_t len, int flags)
unsigned int i;
TCP_MESSAGE test_message;
uMemcpy(&test_message.packet, msg, sizeof(PACKET_TYPE));
if (fnSendTCP(test_client_socket, (unsigned char *) &test_message.tTCP_Header, sizeof(PACKET_TYPE), TCP_FLAG_PUSH) > 0) {
fnDebugMsg("sent ok?\r\n");
return 0;
return 0;