Author Topic: STM32F103RBT6  (Read 21522 times)

Offline Kremer

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« on: December 18, 2007, 12:19:52 PM »
 Hi Mark

 I´d like to know if are you planning on try out those little CM3 from ST. I´m trying them now, and i really miss the ethernet part, but is nice to play around with usb interface. It seems the ST will have them in low prices so i think it will be interesting in a near future. Hope ST guys are working on some CM3 parts with ethernet phy on.



Offline mark

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Re: STM32F103RBT6
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 04:47:22 PM »
Hi Alex

I have ordered a STM32 starter kit (Hitex one since I haven't used the
Hitex solution before). ST has anounced that they are the first (big)
semiconductor manufacturer to offer Cortex M3 based chips - as you
probably know the Luminary chips have been available for some time and
I have made my first experiences with the new core on them.

I have discussed the Ethernet issue with ST and the answer is
"Today Ethernet is not yet included but it will come" so it is
only a matter of time.

As you know, there are so many chips out there and so it is not
possible to support all. In the case of the uTasker, on-chip Ethernet
is the basic requirement. Once the Ethernet part is supported, most of
the smaller ones will also be possible (for example I have done
projects with STR911 and STR910 and these are fully supported - even
though they don't have the Ethernet in them - purely because they are a sub-set of the bigger one).

Once I get the kit I will run the uTasker OS on it (since the Core
includes SYSTICK and NVIC as standard there is not much to do) and see
which peripherals are compatible with the STR91XF code base. Perhaps
there is not a lot to do?


« Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 08:47:25 PM by mark »