Author Topic: AT91SAM7x - Software Versions  (Read 13617 times)

Offline mark

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AT91SAM7x - Software Versions
« on: June 02, 2011, 11:09:20 PM »
Hi All

The following lists the various SAM7X V1.4 software versions which are available, including details about the changes included in the versions. It is generally advised to use the newest release since it will contain most features and patches. Older versions are retained in case of the need to downgrade or reference previous releases.

V1.4-5 28.10.2011

- uTaskerFileCreate.exe Version V1.8 - corrected conversion of 24-bit bitmaps with pixel width not divisible by 8
- 9-bit multi-drop mode added to USART driver
- corrections in utFAT when writing clusters over sector boundaries and deleting clusters on big-endian processors
- UART simulator extended to handle 6 internal UARTs and 4 external ones
- Zero-configuration (Auto-IP) preliminary support according to (including state display in simulator)
- added option RAM test to application.c [#define RAM_TEST] - according to
- RTC support added - driver includes in-built time/Gregorian calender support according to:
- Option (SPECIAL_LCD_DEMO) to stop GLCD demo when an image is posted to the TFT via HTTP
- Character LCD simulator allows read of character content.
- INDIVIDUAL_BUFFERED_TCP_BUFFER_SIZE allows buffered TCP sockets to define different buffer sizes for each socket. Use extern unsigned short fnDefineTCPBufferSize(USOCKET TCP_socket, unsigned short usBufferSize); to allocate the size to be used by the socket before first use. TCP_BUFFER is used (for compatibility) if no size of set.
- Counter of number of times the start web side has been served added to the demonstration
- Display connection IPv4 address on start page of web server
- Enabling SUPPORT_FILE_TIME_STAMP (requires SUPPORT_RTC) adds date/time stamps to utFAT file/directory writes.
- _VARIABLE_HTTP_PORT allows the HTTP server to be started with a user-defined port number rather than fixed port 80.
- DNS_SERVER_OWN_ADDRESS adds command to set individual DNS server address, otherwise it follows the default gateway value.
- utFAT FAT16 mode corrections.
- EXTENDED_UFILESYSTEM extended with UFILESYSTEM_APPEND - see (version 0.05)
- Add time display on web server admin page when RTC enabled
- Add reset cause display to web server admin page
- web pages updated to include email configuration on admin side and adds a dynamic content generation page
- SINGLE_FILE_SIZE is no longer used. FILE_GRANULARITY is now used exclusively in all uFileSystem components (the meaning is the same)
- uFileSystem revision 1 including seamless file operation in multiple storage media and multiple devices in each media - generic rework to allow simpler extension with new types as well as device count being set at run-time.

Note that the uTaskerV1.4-5 project for the SAM7X (as delivered) is configured for the ATMEL AT91SAM7X-EK board with most features activated (debug output on DBGU). The SD card support is disabled to keep the code size below 90k so that the project can also operate on a SAM7X128.
Beware that, if the code size increases to above 96k, it will start to overlap the uFileSystem in internal FLASH; in this case the start of the file system can simply be moved up in flash to a higher location, but a SAM7X256 will then be required to run it and the uFileSystem from internal Flash.
A side effect of overlapping code and uFile System is that the code will be "seen" in the file system as a file with random length and type; this is not necessarily a problem but trying to delete it would cause the end of the code to be deleted, usually resuling in a crash and the need to reprogram the board to get it to run again!!

V1.4-4 02.06.2011
- Various improvement documented in the file headers [latest utFAT, LCD files all in uTasker/uGCLCDLIB folder]
- All projects include VS6, VS2010, GCC, Rowley, IAR and uVision setups
- SAM7S and SAM7SE added
- IPv6 basic included
- utFAT update including NAND Flash support for SAM7SE
- USB Mass storage
- uTaskerFileCreate V1.7 updated (see
-uTaskerConvert.exe V1.6 - "uTaskerConvert.exe uTasker_BM.bin raw.bin -b" can be used to convert an input file in Motorola binary format to raw binary format.
- USB MSD boot loader as shown in the video - plus new password protection on SW upload (see video
- Setup for SAM7S-256 (change to suit your device and board in config.h)
- Bootloader targets set for application at 0x105080 to suit USB-MSD loader (change to suit desired configuration)

Note for Keil uVision4 users: the SAM7X package includes uVision4 projects. These were previously tested with older versions and the uVision4 project was found to no longer work. To correct this, the following changes are required:
1 - In the linker settings (misc controls) add

2 - In the startup_keil.s add
EXPORT  Vectors
just before the line "Vectors         LDR     PC, Reset_Addr"

3 - Change the define for PROGRAM_RAM_SIZE to
PROGRAM_RAM_SIZE  EQU   (0x10000 - 4)
This is valid for 64k RAM and needs to be changed if different chips are used.

4 - Furthermore - when linking for operation with a boot loader changing the IROM setting is not adequate to move the link address. To do this, the following linker settings (Misc controls) need to be added (eg. for linking to 0x100800)

5 - And finally... The file LCD.c needs to be added to the group uGLCDLIB and a new group utFAT with content mass_storage.c too

V1.4-3 03.01.2010
- hardware flow control operation corrected (sam7x.h)
- uTaskerCombine V1.1 in \Tools allows Intel Hex file output beyond 64k size
- GCC based boot loader operation corrected with changes to uTaskerV1.4_FLASH_BM.ld and Build_SAM7X.bat to position the application to start at 0x10700 (instead of 0x10800). SAM7X_boot.c corrected to perform GCC variable initialisations.
- Correction to GCC variable initialisation in boot loader
- random ID added to DNS to avoid problems with servers rejecting repeated IDs
- New permanent ARP entry option
- New application project "serial loader"
- Optionally add HTTP plain text header information - define HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_INFO
- optional USE_PARAMETER_AREA support (as simple alternative to USE_PARAMETER_BLOCK)
- utFAT V1.0 SD card support added (integrated in FTP, HTTP servers plus DOS-like interface)
Note that SDCARD_SUPPORT is enabled by default and GLCD is disabled - the heap size has been increased to enable utFAT together with other services

V1.4-2 11.10.2009
New uGLCDLIB V1.1 - all projects modified due to the fact that GLCD.c has been integrated into uTasker\uGLCDLIB
Correction for random number generation
Port macro correction
Key Scan configuration for non-matrix keys
SSC driver
Note that #include "../../Hardware/sam7x/sam7x.h" has been moved from types.h to app_hw_sam7x.h

V1.4-1 13.8.2009
SAM7XSim.c. Initialise iType in fnSimulateEthernetIn() [stops VS2008 exception/warning]
SAM7X_boot.c Quieten VS warnings by removing strcpy()
Rowley Crossworks project configuration file updated with some fixed paths removed

Original V1.4 release on 29.7.2009

Please note that the SW packages are protected by the corresponding project password.
To register and receive the password, simple fill out the form:
Don't be afraid - the project is free and supported for everyone; just for commerical use a small fee for premium
support is requested (donation after making their first million profit also welcomed..;-)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 04:28:59 PM by mark »