After the success with uTasker SD Bootloader for Kinetis, I tried to do the same for STM32, I have some questions please:
1.- Not available to use the project in Eclipse ?, I have opened it with Coocox, but I prefer Eclipse if possible.
2.- I want to use for an STM32F405 or STM32F407 with bootloader from SD card by SDIO. It's correct if I choose ST_MB997A_DISCOVERY ?, The SD will not be for SPI, but for SDIO, I'm not sure how select it.
3.- What is the parameter I must configure to enable bootloader from SD card ?. need force boot and not retain loader to enter in boot mode without switches and SD socket with no sd card switch detect.
4.- In config.h I have enable SDCARD_SUPPORT, but when I go to app_hw_stm32.h the "#if defined SDCARD_SUPPORT" is dissabled. What may be the problem ?.
5.- With this bootloader for STM32, the user application must compile also to start in 0x8000 or what is the correct start address for STM32 ?.
6.- There is no "#define DELETE_SDCARD_FILE_AFTER_UPDATE" to allow delete firmware automatically after load ?.
Best regards.