Author Topic: How compile and test code for a FRDM-KL25Z board with no board present  (Read 10678 times)

Offline DanielR

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I would like to know if with µTasker I could simulate a FRDM-KL25Z for testing my code and programs. In this moments, I can't connect my board because I forget at office and I'm working from home.

I'm using CodeWarrior and/or MCUXpresso and/or VisualStudio. I have read, but although I have done all steps, when simulation starts, I have got an error produced by "watchdog"...

Help, please!!


Offline mark

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If you have the watchdog firing in the simulator it would mean that you have the watchdog enabled but are not resetting it - the simulator would be behaving correctly in simulating the processor in this situation.

I would suggest first verifying the 'standard' operation by building teh project (uTaskerV1.4 application) with FRDM_KL25Z selected (in config.h) and also the
Code: [Select]
#define BLINKYor #define HELLO_WORLD
This should show you how the simulation normally operates, after which you can add your own code etc.

You can also follow the Kinetis tutorial: Thsi is for a larger Kinetis with Ethernet but you can still follow it and then switch to the FRDM-KL25Z again since it will automatically remove Ethernet and things that it can't support.



Offline DanielR

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Upps, but the first step is compile with VisualStudio? or CodeWarrior? Now, I'm trying to compile with VS and I'm getting this error:
"Error   MSB3073   Command "cd ..\GNU_Kinetis

:VCEnd" exits with code 1   uTaskerOpenSource   C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets   149   

So, what can I do?

Offline mark

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You are building the target with "post-build" GCC build step without having the GCC path set.

To avoid this, choose the Kinetis target and not the Kinetis plus GCC build one.

Otherwise, to build with GCC as post-build step, edit the file Build_Kinetis.bat to include your GCC tool path:
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.1.0_3209\ide\tools\bin   <-- eg. on my PC (change to suit your PC)

Also follow this thread:

