After evaluating
doxygen as a method of generating automatic documentation of the software functions I have decided against using it. Not that it is not good, but the project really has to be built up respecting the
doxygen conventions in the first place, otherwise it needs a lot of work to get it into the right form (mainly adding documentation and labels to the code).
It is possible to use it on any project, even when the labels have not been prepared, and it produces html pages with links between functions, defines, struct, variables etc. which is very impressive. But, without the proper control through properly set labels and document comments it produces vast amount of stuff which doesn't seem to really help in using the code.
However I still think that a web based solution would be very suitable. It allows descriptions, examples, etc to be continuously added and updated. The on-line version is always up to date, and links between descriptions, functions, examples, and other relevent information are possible.
I also realise that it represents a lot of work to do, so I have started and put it on-line immediately (with a warning that it is experimental and under construction). It will take some time before it is complete, and also some time before it is ready to even add first content, but one has to start somewhere and, as can be seen, the first step has been taken.
http://www.utasker.com/docs/Code.htmlThe link to this side is via the documents page (