Hi Mark,
Thanks for the continued support and fast responses.
I do realize that this is a GCC issue, and I now know (and appreciate) why you use non-library versions of functions specifically in uTasker (uMalloc, uStrlen, etc).
At one point I was able to compile the code (although it didn't actually work), and the difference in code size was at least 20k. I consider that to be excessive for one function. Perhaps Rowley's implementation is better but at $3,000 for a commercial license, I consider that excessive too.
I have relegated myself to the fact of writing my own ftoa function (once it is cleaned up, I will post it here). I found a few pre-written snippets on-line, but I found that they clobbered the numbers by doing multiplications and divisions. I will then try to use the StellarisWare version of sprintf (simplified, no float support), in conjunction with my ftoa routine (ie: convert float to string, and then use it within sprintf).
The funny part is that the stuff that should be hard (ie: ethernet, filesystem, http, ftp) has been made a breeze using your tools, and the stuff that I've taken for granted (converting numbers to strings) has been a minor nightmare. I spent way too much time on that problem last night (as my "Total time logged in" would prove!!
However, the upside is that I've learned a lot (still much much much more to go)!
As an aside, it would be satisfying (although probably irrelevant to my problem now) to figure this whole malloc() thing out. I'm using the "arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-68) 4.4.1" version of the CS GCC Lite.
It appears to be missing the libnosys.a (which likely would solve the issue??), and when implementing my own _sbrk function, I got the linker error above about the .ARM.exidx. overlap.