Author Topic: Malloc proble...  (Read 18547 times)

Offline svl

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Malloc proble...
« on: June 11, 2009, 01:47:12 PM »

I have been trying to use the malloc function in the uTasker system, but with no luck.
When I call the malloc function with the size that I want to allocat e.g. malloc(hdr.stp).

Malloc are called but the problem is that the value that I use ac parameter are change from e.g. 2536 to 0x20007F14.

I have tried almost everything also the thing mention in

Any suggestion?

Regards Steen

Offline mark

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Re: Malloc proble...
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 02:41:48 PM »
Hi Steen

Can you show us how the hdr.stp is defined?

0x20007f14 looks like an address on the stack rather than a value - are you somehow passing a pointer rather than the amount of heap that you would like to take?

What happens if you try with malloc(2536)?



Offline svl

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Re: Malloc proble...
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2009, 03:01:20 PM »
Hi Mark

The hdr are a struct of:
typedef struct tagAMX_HEADER {
  int32_t size          PACKED; /* size of the "file" */
  uint16_t magic        PACKED; /* signature */
  char    file_version;         /* file format version */
  char    amx_version;          /* required version of the AMX */
  int16_t flags         PACKED;
  int16_t defsize       PACKED; /* size of a definition record */
  int32_t cod           PACKED; /* initial value of COD - code block */
  int32_t dat           PACKED; /* initial value of DAT - data block */
  int32_t hea           PACKED; /* initial value of HEA - start of the heap */
  int32_t stp           PACKED; /* initial value of STP - stack top */
  int32_t cip           PACKED; /* initial value of CIP - the instruction pointer */
  int32_t publics       PACKED; /* offset to the "public functions" table */
  int32_t natives       PACKED; /* offset to the "native functions" table */
  int32_t libraries     PACKED; /* offset to the table of libraries */
  int32_t pubvars       PACKED; /* offset to the "public variables" table */
  int32_t tags          PACKED; /* offset to the "public tagnames" table */
  int32_t nametable     PACKED; /* offset to the name table */
  int32_t overlays      PACKED; /* offset to the overlay table */

memblock = malloc(hdr.stp);

When caling malloc(2536) I get the same result.

I think that it looks like the parameter not are passe allong when calling the malloc function.

But the reason for this do not understand.
The stdlib.h are includet in the config.h and i tried to include in the .c file aswell but with same result.


Offline mark

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Re: Malloc proble...
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2009, 03:38:06 PM »
Hi Steen

This sounds as though the library doesn't match the application. That is, the application is compiled using register passing - which gives best code density and (probably) speed - but the library was not. If the library is not build using the same setting it will expect the passed parameter on the stack.

You have a choice of libraries, who's names informs about how they are built - make sure that you link one named with ***REGABI**.a

See also the following for details about using libraries: (page 206 and onwards)



Offline svl

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Re: Malloc proble...
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2009, 08:13:55 AM »
Hi Mark

Are you the best or what? ;D
The problem was that I was using C_4i_CF_SZ_MSL.a as mention in the

But when changing the to C_4i_CF_RegABI_SZ_MSL.a as you suggested it almost work.
The malloc was returning 0. But after I recompiled the lib, it worked perfect.

Ones again you saved the day...

Many thanks

Regards Steen

Offline mark

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Re: Malloc proble...
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2009, 10:41:39 AM »
Hi Steen

Thanks for the feedback. I have just updated the other thread since register passing was introduced in SP6, so the information is no longer absolutely correct (as you found out).

