I'm now trying to use the dynamic http stuff such that I can stream a bunch of data from the AIS226DS chip. I have been trying to follow the uTaskerV1.4_LPC2XXX.PDF and I'm at the part where I expect to browse to and get a 404 message. However Chrome reports this.
Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error.
Firefox and IE note the page can't be displayed. When I browse to I get this.
favicon.ico 1150 B 5/1/09 1:00:00 AM
I have tried uploading the pages as noted in the pdf, but I can't get FTP to upload. I have tried LeechFTP, Explorer, and a variety of browsers. They will show it, but what I try to upload I get via leechftp, I get this log.
~ Connected to, waiting for response...
< 220 Welcome LPC23XX FTP.
> USER anonymous
< 331 Enter pass.
> PASS *****
< 230 Log OK.
> REST 1
< 500 What?.
< 215 UNIX Type: L8
< 257 "/"
~ Login completed.
> PORT 10,10,10,10,12,200
< 200 OK.
< 200 OK.
< 150 Data.
< LISTERROR: -r-xr-xr-x 1 502 502 1150 May 1 2009 favicon.ico
< 226 OK.
< 200 OK.
< 200 OK.
> MKD adf
< 500 What?.
> PORT 10,10,10,10,12,219
< 200 OK.
< 200 OK.
< 150 Data.
< LISTERROR: -r-xr-xr-x 1 502 502 1150 May 1 2009 favicon.ico
< 226 OK.
When I try to create a directory with Explorer, it produces a dialog that notes "500 What?".
I have disabled the local software firewall, and I have commented out HTTP_UTFAT and FTP_UTFAT I'm not sure why it doesn't produce the 404 page as expected, and I'm unsure why the FTP is giving me trouble. Are there any suggestions on how to get this web page stuff working?