I expect the LPC4xxx to be highly compatible with the LPC17xx.
The fact that it has a Cortex M4 core is not really relevant for porting to it since M3 and M4 code is effectively compatible. Also I expect a high level of compatibility concerning peripherals - but I expect some changes since competitors peripherals are getting better and I assume that NXP will also pack in more features (for example checksum offloading in the EMAC) so that they don't fall back in terms of features.
However there is only a Flash-less device available at the moment. I have heard that people are still waiting for a version with internal Flash, which makes single-chip mode possible.
At the moment there are no concrete plans to do any work with these devices for two reasons:
1) There is presently not adequate development capacity.
2) The Freescale Kinetis M4 devices are the ones that are being pushed in this class. Although NXP users are very excited about the LPC4xxx family for various reasons one should not forget that it is still something on paper in many respects (until the parts are available for production use and in Flash-based versions). The Freescale Kinetis is now well established - it has been available for around 18 momnths now. First in a limited variations but now there is already a huge choice of packages, features, speeds, FPU, external memory controllers, etc. Many projects are starting with them or already using them and therefore they remain the main focus of the Cortex M4 based developments in the uTasker project.