Author Topic: Need a suggestion on best way to implement a 10ms timeout  (Read 9032 times)

Offline tdrobnak

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Need a suggestion on best way to implement a 10ms timeout
« on: October 31, 2019, 10:12:48 PM »
I am using a Kinetis microcontroller and I would like to know what is the preferred way to add a timeout after waiting 10ms for the I2C queue have enough room for the next message to send.  I have read both uTasker documents "Global Software and Hardware Timers" and "uTasker - Hardware Timers".  Based on the documentation and uTasker code, it looks like the best way to go is to use a hardware timer since the global timer tick resolution is 50ms and I need a 10ms timeout.  It looks like the FlexTimer is the hardware timer to use with a Kinetis microcontroller.  Would the correct settings be:
flexTimer1Delay (unsigned long timerDelayInUsec)
    static TIMER_INTERRUPT_SETUP    timer_setup = {0};              // interrupt configuration parameters

    timer_setup.int_type = TIMER_INTERRUPT;
    timer_setup.int_priority = PRIORITY_TIMERS;
    timer_setup.int_handler = flexTimer1DelayIntHandler;
    timer_setup.timer_reference = (_TIMER_1 | 0);   // timer module 1, channel 0;
    timer_setup.timer_mode = (TIMER_SINGLE_SHOT | TIMER_US_VALUE);  // single shot us timer
    timer_setup.timer_value = timerDelayInUsec;                     // 100? delay
    fnConfigureInterrupt((void *) &timer_setup);                    // enter interrupt and start timer

I do not see TIMER_SINGLE_SHOT or TIMER_US_VALUE used in the kinetis FlexTimer code, so I am uncertain of what to set the timer_mode to.  Any suggestions on how to set this timer up for a 10ms timeout to call the int_handler function would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Offline mark

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Re: Need a suggestion on best way to implement a 10ms timeout
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2019, 12:57:50 AM »

You can use PIT, FlexTimer or LPTMR.
There are references for each in ADC_Timers.h.

The flex timer (this is considered to be the "general purpose timer" in the Kinetis and so its interface is compatible with other general purpose ones) is controlled like this:
    static TIMER_INTERRUPT_SETUP timer_setup = {0};                      // interrupt configuration parameters
    timer_setup.int_type = TIMER_INTERRUPT;
    timer_setup.int_priority = PRIORITY_TIMERS;                          // interrupt priority
    timer_setup.int_handler = timer_int;                                 // user interrupt callback
    timer_setup.timer_reference = 0;                                     // FlexTimer/TPM 0 [in the case of Kinetis]
    timer_setup.timer_mode = TIMER_SINGLE_SHOT;
  //timer_setup.timer_mode = TIMER_PERIODIC;
    timer_setup.timer_value = TIMER_MS_DELAY(10);                        // 10ms delay
    fnConfigureInterrupt((void *)&timer_setup);                          // configure timer interrupt for timer test

whereby either a single-shot or a periodic mode can be selected.



Offline tdrobnak

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Re: Need a suggestion on best way to implement a 10ms timeout
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2019, 08:17:28 PM »
Thank you, Mark for your confirmation that the Kinetis part is compatible with the general purpose timer setup.

I set up the timer for a 10ms timer interrupt using:

timer_setup.int_handler = flexTimer1DelayIntHandler;
timer_setup.timer_value = TIMER_MS_DELAY(10);             // timer delay until interrupt

When I measure the time from the call to fnConfigureInterrupt((void *) &timer_setup) until the callbck_interrupt, flexTimer1DelayIntHandler, I measure exactly 16us on the oscilloscope.  Changing the value in the TIMER_MS_DELAY() (for example: 1000) does not change the 16us interrupt time.

I have stepped through the kinetis_FLEXTIMER.h code and noticed that after the iPrescaler is determined, the updated uDelay is directly assigned to the ptrFlexTimer->FTM_MOD register.  Should it not be assigned to "ulDelay+ptrFlexTimer->FTM_CNT" since the FTM_CNT cannot be assumed to be zero except after reset.  I changed this, but it had no effect in changing the 16us time in servicing the interrupt.

Do you have any suggestions on why I get such a short timeout?  I have gone through the program code and the iPrescaler, ulDelay, and assignments look correct for a 10ms timeout but what I measure on the oscilloscope shows this not to be true.

Offline tdrobnak

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Re: Need a suggestion on best way to implement a 10ms timeout
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2019, 08:05:41 PM »
I have determined why I am not getting the 10ms delay after it being set with fnConfigureInterrupt().  It is due to the architecture of the Kinetis KE part.

It was found that a timeout of the desired time TIMER_MS_DELAY(10) was occurring 16us (immediately after the fnConfigureInterrupt() call.  This interrupt time did not change when the desired interrupt time was changed.  Stepping through the code of fnConfigureInterrupt(), in file, kinetis_FlexTIMER.h, showed that bits FTM_SC_TOF and FTM_SC_TOIE were not being cleared/set.  The reason for this is due to incorrect bit mask definitions for  FTM_SC_TOIE and FTM_SC_TOF in file kinetis.h.  These two definitions need to be changed for a KE1xZ device according to their datasheet (see attachment).

In file kinetis.h, they are defined as
  #define FTM_SC_TOIE       0x00000040                                   // timer overflow interrupt enable
  #define FTM_SC_TOF        0x00000080                                   // timer overflow flag (write '1' to clear)
They need to be defined for KE1xZ devices as:
  #define FTM_SC_TOIE       0x00000100                                   // timer overflow interrupt enable
  #define FTM_SC_TOF        0x00000200                                   // timer overflow flag (write '1' to clear)

The other improvement that can be made is to add the present FTM_CNT to the FTM_MOD value since FTM_CNT is not zero after the first call to fnConfigureInterrupt().

Change from:
   ptrFlexTimer->FTM_MOD = ulDelay;

   ptrFlexTimer->FTM_MOD = ptrFlexTimer->FTM_CNT + ulDelay;

Once this is done, the correct delay time will occur.

Offline mark

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Re: Need a suggestion on best way to implement a 10ms timeout
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2019, 12:25:56 AM »

Many thanks for correcting this since I didn't realise that the KE14/15/16 and 18 have a FlexTimer which is slightly extended (and the flags not compatible!).
I have prepared the same changes for the flags for each of these devices so that their interrupts work as they should do:

    #if defined KINETIS_KE14 || defined KINETIS_KE15 || defined KINETIS_KE16 || defined KINETIS_KE18
        #define FTM_SC_RIE       0x00000400                              // reload interrupt enable
        #define FTM_SC_RF        0x00000800                              // reload flag (write '1' to clear)
        #define FTM_SC_TOIE      0x00000100                              // timer overflow interrupt enable
        #define FTM_SC_TOF       0x00000200                              // timer overflow flag (write '1' to clear)
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN0    0x00010000                              // channel 0 PWM enable
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN1    0x00020000                              // channel 1 PWM enable
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN2    0x00040000                              // channel 2 PWM enable
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN3    0x00080000                              // channel 3 PWM enable
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN4    0x00100000                              // channel 4 PWM enable
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN5    0x00200000                              // channel 5 PWM enable
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN6    0x00400000                              // channel 6 PWM enable
        #define FTM_SC_PWMEN7    0x00800000                              // channel 7 PWM enable
        #if defined KINETIS_K_FPU
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_1   0x00000000                          // filter prescaler 1
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_2   0x01000000                          // filter prescaler 2
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_3   0x02000000                          // filter prescaler 3
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_4   0x03000000                          // filter prescaler 4
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_5   0x04000000                          // filter prescaler 5
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_6   0x05000000                          // filter prescaler 6
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_7   0x06000000                          // filter prescaler 7
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_8   0x07000000                          // filter prescaler 8
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_9   0x08000000                          // filter prescaler 9
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_10  0x09000000                          // filter prescaler 10
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_11  0x0a000000                          // filter prescaler 11
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_12  0x0b000000                          // filter prescaler 12
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_13  0x0c000000                          // filter prescaler 13
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_14  0x0d000000                          // filter prescaler 14
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_15  0x0e000000                          // filter prescaler 15
            #define FTM_SC_FLTPS_16  0x0f000000                          // filter prescaler 16
            #define FTM_SC_USED_MASK 0x0fff3fff                          // mask of non-reserved bits in the register
            #define FTM_SC_USED_MASK 0x00ff3fff                          // mask of non-reserved bits in the register
        #define FTM_SC_TOIE      0x00000040                              // timer overflow interrupt enable
        #define FTM_SC_TOF       0x00000080                              // timer overflow flag (write '1' to clear)
        #define FTM_SC_USED_MASK 0x00000fff                              // mask of non-reserved bits in the register

As for the CNT values, the code usually sets the counter to zero before setting the match but it also wasn't doing it for these chips. I changed it like this:

    #if (!defined KINETIS_KL && !defined KINETIS_KE) || (defined KINETIS_KE06 || defined KINETIS_KE14 || defined KINETIS_KE15 || defined KINETIS_KE16 || defined KINETIS_KE18)
            ptrFlexTimer->FTM_CNTIN = 0;                                 // counter start value
            ptrFlexTimer->FTM_CNT = 0;                                   // {7} cause the counter to be set to zero

whereby I also needed to make a similar change to the
typedef struct stFLEX_TIMER_MODULE
so that these are available:
#if defined KINETIS_KL || (defined KINETIS_KE && !defined KINETIS_KE06 && !defined KINETIS_KE14 && !defined KINETIS_KE15 && !defined KINETIS_KE16 && !defined KINETIS_KE18)

I am hoping that this will then ensure all KE parts to operate correctly with repect to the single-shot and periodic timer interrupt.

